Sahra El Fassi

  • Sahra El Fassi

    Sahra El Fassi, a German national, is a Policy Officer in the Africa’s Change Dynamics Programme. She has worked in the field of migration being involved with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Bangkok. Culture, democracy building and peace & security issues as a Consultant at UNESCO’s Bureau of Strategic Planning, at the Comisión Nacional del Uruguay para la UNESCO in Montevideo and at the UNESCO Phnom Penh office. Before joining ECDPM she worked at the Bertelsmann Foundation’s Division of Economic and Social Policy where she developed economic indicators to assess international sustainable development strategies.

  • Words into deeds on SDG 16 in Africa

    Sahra El Fassi
    Submitted by: Sahra El Fassi on 4 November 2015

    African leaders at the 70th United Nations General Assembly last September stressed the importance of good governance and indicated a realistic chance that they would integrate Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 16 (peace, justice and strong institutions) into existing African development frameworks.