Africa Renewal

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Africa Books

2 Sep 2016

**PLEASE NOTE:BOOKS ARE NOT AVAILABLE FROM AFRICA RENEWAL,THEY MUST BE OBTAINED DIRECTLY FROM THE PUBLISHERS** Financing for Development: Proposals from Business and Civil Society, eds. Barry Herman...

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  • AFRICA on the AGENDA
    2 Sep 2016

    3-7 February 2003, Guatemala City (Guatemala) -- International Conference on the Contribution of...

  • Africa Watch
    2 Sep 2016

    ECONOMIC GROWTHAfrica to grow by 4%In 2003, economic growth in Africa is expected to accelerate to...

  • Africa in Brief
    2 Sep 2016

    UN exposes armies using child soldiers

  • Annan urges increasing women in UN peace operations
    2 Sep 2016

    Noting that, "the differential impact of conflict on women and girls calls for specific responses...

  • Africa Books
    1 Sep 2016

    Unholy Trinity: The IMF, World Bank and WTO by Richard Peet (Zed Books, New York, NY, US, 2003; 256...

  • Africa Agenda
    1 Sep 2016

    16-21 January 2004, Mumbai ( India ) — World Social Forum. Website <>. 21-24...

  • Africa in brief
    1 Sep 2016

    Pan-African Parliament is a step closer In November, Senegal became the 24th member of the African...

  • Africa Watch
    1 Sep 2016

    CORRUPTIONWorld endorses UN treaty Nearly 100 countries signed the first internationally binding...

  • 'Africa has come of age'
    Amos Wako, Ministre de la justice du Kenya : &quot;L&#039;Afrique a mûri et assume la responsabilité première de son développement et de sa destinée.&quot; Photo : ©Nations Unies
    1 Sep 2016

    Nearly a year after the UN General Assembly first endorsed the New Partnership for Africa's...

  • AIDS: a 'real weapon of mass destruction'
    Le Secrétaire général, Kofi Annan (à gauche), visite le Centre de santé Matola au Mozambique. Au centre : l&#039;Envoyé spécial du Secrétaire général pour le VIH/sida en Afrique, Stephen Lewis. Photo : ©United Nations / E. Debebe
    1 Sep 2016

    Late last year, UN Secretary-General spoke to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) about the...