UN sanctions on South Sudan renewed

A wide view of the Security Council.
A wide view of the Security Council.
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A resolution allowing for the renewal of sanctions against South Sudan for another year has been adopted unanimously by the UN Security Council on Tuesday.

The sanctions include travel bans and assets freezes against individuals and entities "responsible for or complicit in" threatening peace and stability in the war-torn country.

The Council has also decided to extend the mandate of the Panel of Experts overseeing the sanctions for another 13 months.

Jocelyne Sambira has more.

The UN Security Council resolution urges South Sudan's leaders to "fully and unconditionally" implement all parts of the peace agreement, uphold a permanent ceasefire and address the economic crisis and dire humanitarian situation.

A Transitional Government of National Unity was formed in April following the return of South Sudan's Vice-President-designate, Riek Machar.

He left in 2013, after being accused of attempting a coup against President Salva Kiir, triggering ethnically targeted clashes.

Two million people in South Sudan have been forced out of their homes and "thousands" have been killed in clashes between opposition forces and government soldiers.

Ambassador David Pressman is the Alternate Representative for Special Political Affairs at the US Mission to the UN.

"Today's resolution should remind South Sudan's leaders that there is no other path and no other choice but full and expeditious implementation of the peace agreement. The return of Riek Machar, his appointment as the first Vice-President and the subsequent formation of the Transitional Government of National Unity are indeed significant steps forward but they are only the beginning of a long path towards peace and healing and a long path towards justice."

Ambassador Pressman also underscored the importance of addressing some core elements of the accord which include improving humanitarian access and ending attacks on humanitarians.

Jocelyne Sambira, United Nations.

Duration: 1’23″