ISO: POL *************************************************************************** The electronic version of this document has been prepared at the Fourth World Conference on Women by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in collaboration with the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women Secretariat. *************************************************************************** AS WRITTEN Speech by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland Professor Aleksander Luczak, Ph.D., at the 4th World Conference on Women Issues Beijing 1995 Madam Chairwoman, Participants in the 4th World Conference on Women issues, Excellencies, Representatives of Governments and States, Guests of the Conference, On behalf of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Poland I have the honour to express greatest respect to women of the whole world. I am grateful for this opportunity to present the views of my government on women's issues. I am very glad that I will be able to hear about the experience of other countries, and to learn other points of view. Poland supports the United Nations' efforts in the field of women's issues. We disseminate and implement the ideas and resolutions adopted by previous UN conferences. This process involves both government agencies and non-governmental organisations. The situation of women in Poland is described in the Report prepared by the Government Plenipotentiary for the Family and Women. Opinions about the situation of Women in Poland have been also submitted by nongovernmental organisations, including those linked to the Catholic Church. Plurality of opinions -and points of view on women issues is a welcome characteristic of public life in Poland. This plurality is a base for democracy and freedom. Issues related to women and the family serve as the subject of a broad public discussion. There are voices in favour of women's liberation, as well as voices against it. The government does not pass judgement on any of these opinions for all of them reflect the various roles of modern Polish women. The government aims at achieving consensus in the society. The Report of the Government Plenipotentiary for the Family and Women does not give precedence to any one point of view. It presents an objective description of the existing situation based on actual Polish law. The Polish legal system was one of the first legal systems in the world to grant women and men equal rights. Our new Constitution, currently being drafted, is based on a rigorous observance of this fundamental principle. Women's rights are guarded by independent courts and Polish law. However, full respect for these rights cannot be achieved without respect for universal human values. According to these values, women are the mainstay of what is good, beautiful and kind. Women are guardians of motherhood and love. The government should support these values for the sake of the common good. In this respect we draw from the moral authority and teachings of the Catholic Church. Poland, which since 1989 has been creating a market economy system, had to cut back on certain welfare benefits inherited from the previous system. The Government has pledged itself to create opportunities for economic advancement for women by way of: - fighting women's unemployment, - observing the principle of equal pay for equal work, - providing appropriate education and professional training,- - equal access to managerial positions, - supporting women's business activity. We have also undertaken to stimulate general educational programmes and the free media to show the importance of the various roles of women in the family and the society as a whole. The Government of the Republic of Poland shall continue to fight pathological phenomena in family and social life. Polish women, like women in other parts of the world, are striving for the right to happiness. The definition of "happiness" depends, on the individual’s aspirations, gifts and talents. It is important, however, that financial considerations should not exclusively determine the choice of a way of life each woman makes. The women who dedicate their lives to motherhood and the family should have a chance to fulfil their aspirations in another way, too. On the other hand, the women who pursue their careers ought to be able to reconcile their professional responsibilities with their family life and maternal duties. Each woman's decision concerning contraception, abortion, and divorce, which are often based on difficult moral considerations, cannot be subject topological bargaining. As guardian of the law, the Polish Government opposes adding a political dimension to decisions which are always highly personal. These decisions are, of course, subject to ethical and philosophical judgements; judgements originating in a woman's conscience, her family circle, and in the wider community both religious and secular. I believe that the true position of a woman is shaped through a real partnership between women and men. A woman can expect a man to be not only a husband and a father, but also a friend and a partner in the ups and downs of everyday life. All societies are threatened by a crisis of moral values. Economic crises, wars, and political conflicts bring about misery, poverty, and despair. It is women who suffer the most in such circumstances. They are victims of aggression, duress, and physical abuse. This has to be changed both by way of appropriate legislation and by changing social attitudes. All governments and all states, all affiliated and non-affiliated people guided by goodwill must support these efforts. This Conference, I believe, will point the way, so that with respect for women's rights, happiness and welfare of all abound and that moral integrity, which presupposes inalienable women's rights, becomes what Immanuel Kant called "a starry sky" above our heads. Ladies and Gentlemen, Wishing you fruitful deliberations, let me emphasise that many people are now looking to Beijing with hope. They are hoping that considerable progression human rights will be achieved, including the progress in solving particularly difficult and urgent women's issues so that equality of woman in social life and their liberation from any form of abuse and injustice can become a reality. Thank you for your attention