*************************************************************************** The electronic version of this document has been prepared at the Fourth World Conference on Women by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in collaboration with the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women Secretariat. *************************************************************************** AS WRITTEN Address by the Secretary-General of the 4th World Conference-on Women at the formal opening of the Plenary Session 4th September 1995 Excellencies, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen: At long long last, we are here in Beijing participating in the Fourth World Conference on Women - a Conference which is phenomenal in several aspects. It has generated much interest and debate globally, among men and women, old and young, from country to country. It has brought together the largest gathering of persons ever to attend any other previous United Nations Conference on any subject. All the indications point to a social revolution in the making! This Conference is characterized by intensive preparatory process which involved national, regional and international debates and consultations involving governments and non-governmental bodies. At every stage, ladies and gentlemen, a step towards consensus building was reached. We are now faced with a final test of our commitment for action, that is our Platform for Action. This Platform is a global tapestry woven by women, men and youth with strands from all nations, races and religions alike. Its needlecraft has been carefully, objectively and caringly embroidered through the various consultations, conferences and meetings which had been organized at the national, regional and international levels. The Platform is a document for the world; but for women, it is their document since it embodies the aspirations, hopes and actions which will guide us all into the twenty- first century. In fact, the Platform is for everyone. There can be no spectators, no side-liners, no abstainers for this is a crucial social agenda which affects all humanity. It is for this reason that I wish to appeal to each woman participating in this Conference and in the NGO Forum not only to serve as representatives of their governments and NGOs but also to become committed crusaders in the struggle in which we have been engaged for many, many years. As I noted at the opening of the NGO Forum 1995, ‘millions have placed their trust in us. We must not fail them." I would like to highlight a few salient features which became obvious during the process towards Beijing: First, there is the need to look at women's issues in a holistic manner and to address them as part of overall societal and developmental concerns. It will not be possible to attain sustainable development without cementing the partnership of women and men in all aspects of life. Women have all along struggled with their men-folk for the abolition of slavery, the liberation of countries from colonialism, the dismantling of apartheid and the struggle for peace. IL is now the turn of men to join women in their struggle for equality. Second, because of the cross-cutting nature of women's issues, it is imperative that each issue is given due weight and consideration; Third, there is the need to recognize the inter-generational link which is unique to women, as well as the cumulative effect since unresolved problems tend to deteriotate in subsequent phases. Finally, since Mexico (1975), some twenty years ago, women have learnt that achieving equality depends on themselves. Necessary actions will not be taken for them based on some theoretical principle of equality. Women have researched and they have been the subject of research. The statistics are much too gloomy in several key sectors such as poverty, education and illiteracy, health, violence against women, governance and politics, and human rights. With the statistics and facts now well documented, there is no denying that women fare badly relative to men. Only last month, the 1995 edition of The World's Women. 1990-1995 Trends and Statistics further showed irrefutably, both the changes that had occurred and the remaining obstacles. Ladies and gentlemen, we are at the crucial last decade of the twentieth century and the solidarity which today binds us in our common experiences, irrespective of race, colour and religion should now become the instrument to propel us all into the twenty-first century armed with vision, imagination and actions which can make the difference to our own lives and to those of our children and our grand-children. We have been saying all along that women and men must work together if we are to bring this world safely and successfully into the coming century - so too, must we ensure the participation of the youth. They are our hope and future and society can only be the beneficiary. Our agenda must address eraditation of illiteracy, ill-health, poverty, unemployment, violence and promotion of decision making and empowerment. It must focus on actions that will eliminate discrimination, maginalization and social exclusion. The basis for change is here; what is lacking is the commitment which will ensure actions which could bring about that change. When the facts and statistics are disaggregated, the undeniable fact is that action is required to change the status quo. Action is the only way forward. There is no substitute. Excellencies, the Fourth World Conference on Women must elicit commitments to action coupled with commitment of resources, national and internationally. This is the mission of Beijing. Each government must now set priorities, specify the resources it will contribute and declare what steps it will take to hold itself accountable to the world's women. This Conference must preserve achievements and agreements reached in earlier Conferences and move beyond the rethoric to work toward genuine change. I must conclude now with an issue that is close to my heart and to many women - by posing the following questions: - How long will women toil to contribute to the purchase of arms? - How long will women continue to give life just to see it taken away by the use of arms?- And how long will the world continue to ignore women’s tears during arm conflicts? This Platform will not see light as long as the issue of peace is not properly addressed. I thank you for your attention.