*************************************************************************** The electronic version of this document has been prepared at the Fourth World Conference on Women by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in collaboration with the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women Secretariat. *************************************************************************** AS WRITTEN STATEMENT DELIVERED BY Ms CRISTINA ALBERDI MINISTER FOR SOCIAL AFFAIRS OF SPAIN ON BEHALF OF THE EUROPEAN UNION FOURTH WORLD CONFERENCE ON WOMEN Beijing, 5 September 1995 Madam Chairperson, Secretary General, distinguished delegates and representatives of international and non-governmental organisations, I have the honour to address this Conference on behalf of the European Union, and should like to begin by conveying our most sincere gratitude to all those who have made it possible to hold this Fourth World Conference on Women, and in particular to its Secretary-General, Ms Gertrude Mongella, and to the People's Republic of China, our host country, for the efforts made in the organization of this Conference. The Conference has given rise to high expectation and we trust that-~t it will establish a new landmark in women's struggle for equality the world over. , We stand at a crucial moment of historical significance for women: it has been internationally acknowledged that equality between women and men is essential to the advancement of society and both a matter of justice and a condition for development. To quote the 1995 United Nations Development Programme report on Human Development: "Investing in women's capabilities and empowering them to exercise their choices is not only valuable in itself but is also the surest way to contribute to economic growth and overall development." The European Union, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the United Nations, wishes to pay a deserved tribute to the first international organization to have wholeheartedly come out in support of the advancement of women. In its constitutional Charter, the United Nations expressed its faith in the equal rights of men and women, these being essential to the advancement of all people. Since 1975, which was declared International Women's Year, the United Nations has been performing a central role in advancing women's status throughout the world. Mexico, Copenhagen and Nairobi were meetings of enormous importance, marking as they did much-needed advances in the cause of women and weaving a fabric of solidarity among all women in the world who, despite differences in situation and circumstances, share common problems, views and solutions. Nevertheless, the national reports show that we will not reach the objectives set in Nairobi for the year 2000 if we do not accelerate the implementation of the Forward-Looking Strategies. The International Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro stressed the role of women in development, as well as in the management of the environment in the context of sustainable development. The World Conference on Human Rights in Vienna explicitly reaffirmed that the human rights of women and of the girl-child are an inalienable, integral and indivisible part of human rights. The International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo strongly underlined that the promotion of women's autonomy and rights is a key element in social development and recognised that the future of humanity will depend on women's new place in society. Furthermore, the recent World Summit on Social Development in Copenhagen agreed on the need to achieve equality between women and men, encouraging women's participation and leadership in political, civil, economic and social life as well as in the process of development. It is essential for us to reiterate yet again the need for the entire international community to give strong support to the existing agreements and achievements of previous major United Nations Summits and Conferences, which should be regarded as a continuum providing a global, integrated and co-ordinated framework for the various dimensions of development, both as regards the framing of measures for action as well as in monitoring and evaluating their level of enforcement. The European Union considers that all these agreements and achievements should constitute a point of departure from which we must move forward, with no going back. To that end, we encourage all States which have not already done so to accede to, ratify and implement the international instruments for the promotion and protection of human rights, in particular the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women. In doing so, States should, as far as possible, avoid resorting to reservations, but should otherwise take into account that any reservation they lodge should be formulated as precisely and narrowly as possible, so as to ensure that none is incompatible with the object and purpose of the relevant treaty. They also should keep any reservation under regular review with a view to withdrawing it. In addition, they should take steps to support the drafting of an optional protocol to the Convention, and to establish a right of petition and an inquiry procedure that can enter into force as soon as possible and at the latest before the year 2000. Madam Chairperson, This Conference is our next challenge, and we should be able to find solutions to the various problems women are facing in all parts of the world, especially in the developing countries . The feminization of poverty and unemployment, the imbalance of power between women and men in all fields of society, violence against women and discriminatory laws and practices highlight the need for a constant striving for equality, development and peace, for the enhancement of human rights and democracy and for solutions to guarantee people-centred sustainable development. To that end, the European Union believes that the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action provide the international community with a solid basis for making important progress in protecting and promoting the equal status and human rights of women and for the elimination of gender discrimination. Education is a major factor in ensuring equality and together with health constitutes an essential means of achieving the empowerment of women. Investment in women's and girls' education and health is a highly important aim and is critical for the achievement of human sustainable development. The European Union wishes to express its firm belief in the importance of promoting sexual and reproductive health for women and men and would very much welcome an agreement on a reference to sexual rights in the Platform for Action. The European Union reaffirms its commitment to ensure the full enjoyment by women] and the girl child of all human rights and fundamental freedoms, including their sexual and reproductive rights, and to take effective action against violations of these rights and freedoms . We strongly condemn the use of sexual abuse and violence against women in all its forms, in public and private life and especially when used as an instrument of war in armed conflict. We call for prevention and punishment of these practices, as well as for suitable policies to support and give aid to the victims. The principles of international humanitarian law, where applicable, and human rights, including the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women, should serve as a clear reference point in such cases. As far as poverty is concerned, we draw attention to the growing number of women who face poverty, particularly as heads of families with elderly and minor dependants, in developing and developed countries alike, and to the restrictions on their rights to property, land, credit and other productive resources. Special consideration should also be given to the situation of women in rural areas, women with disabilities and migrant and refugee women, who are at an economic disadvantage and who have fewer health and educational opportunities. Women must be assured equal access to economic opportunities and resources and equal treatment in employment and entrepreneurship. The European Union stresses the importance of women's active role and growing leadership and participation in all areas of life. In order to continue to encourage and consolidate this active role, women all over the world must be able to secure autonomy and economic empowerment. contract and a new kind of mutual understanding at public and private level between women and men, including by consolidating women's integration in economic and public life and encouraging the assumption by men of an equal share of domestic and family responsibilities. A partnership between women and men based on equal rights, responsibilities and power, in both the public and private spheres is fundamental in this regard . With respect to participation in decision-making, the political potential of women must be enhanced: the achievement of equality in political decision-making is essential for strengthening democracy, and will enable us to bolster the legitimacy of decisions and move us towards a more just, democratic and participatory society. Governments must make a strong commitment to implementing specific policies designed to achieve equality between women and men as well as to mainstreaming the gender perspective in all social, economic, political and cultural fields. it is essential that the United Nations advocate and take concrete action to promote the status of women and that a gender perspective be fully integrated into all areas of competence of the United Nations machinery, including within the Secretariat. The European Union has long been committed to equality. However, this Conference provides the impetus to re-state and strengthen that commitment. A new action Programme on equal opportunities should be adopted after this Conference, the results of which will feed into and enrich our discussions on its content. We have recently launched an initiative to ensure the integration of a gender perspective in all policies and programmes for development co-operation and we will pursue and develop this objective. Madam Chairperson, On behalf of the European Union I should like to stress that, in order to guarantee the credibility and effectiveness of the measures that we approve under the Platform for Action, institutional and financial issues must receive special attention. Only by devoting sufficient budgetary resources and giving institutional machinery the power to implement and monitor gender equality policies will we be able to reach our stated objectives. As the largest donor of official development aid in the world, the European Union feels that gender-sensitive development co-operation is a key strategy, which must be pursued with the utmost resolve. We are committed to solidarity with and support to women throughout the world, particularly women struggling under poverty or the consequences of armed conflict, and women who face obstacles to the full enjoyment of their human rights . The European Union likewise wishes to acknowledge the fundamental role that the women's movement and non-governmental organisations play in the design and implementation of equality policies. The importance of their contribution could be clearly perceived during the preparatory work for this Conference and in the Non-Governmental Organisations Forum. The long process which has led to this Conference has proved to be effective for women, but our work is not yet finished. In not a single country in the world are women offered the same opportunities as men and in some countries discrimination is still enshrined in legislation. There are many objectives outstanding in the context of the empowerment of women, which are the keys to equality and development. The European Union, from a position of solidarity with all the world's women, is wholly committed to this task, because we are convinced that the future of humanity will depend largely on women attaining leadership and a new role in society. This is the only way we can create a fairer and more participatory society for men and women alike. Thank you, Madam Chairperson.