*************************************************************************** The electronic version of this document has been prepared at the Fourth World Conference on Women by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in collaboration with the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women Secretariat. *************************************************************************** AS WRITTEN INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK WASHINGTON, D.C. 20577 Sharing Prosperity and Power: A New Partnership for the New Millennium Remarks by Nancy Birdsall Executive Vice President The Fourth World Conference on Women Action for Equality, Development and Peace Beijing, China, September 4 - 15, 1995 On behalf of the President of the Inter-American Development Bank, Mr. Enrique Iglesias, who is here with me today, and the forty-six member countries of the Inter-American Development Bank, I am honored to address this distinguished gathering. I am speaking to you today not only as a development banker, but as a woman. It is a special pleasure for me, as the first woman with the rank of executive vice-president in any of the multilateral development banks, to address this world conference. I doubt I would be standing here today if there had not been an international women's movement, if there had not been world conferences in Mexico City, in Copenhagen, in Nairobi and in thousands of other fora between and since. My presence here today shows there has been progress; it is possible for women to rise to positions of power. But it also reminds me that there are still too few women at high levels in international organizations; I have over the years had too few female colleagues at any level, given there are so many women with the necessary skills, commitment and experience. The presence here today of both President Iglesias and myself, the Bank's two highest-ranking officials, signals the full commitment of our member countries and of our institution to gender equality in our own institution and in the Latin America and Caribbean region. With a loan portfolio of over 20 billion dollars, and annual commitments of six billion dollars to our borrowing members, the IDB is the largest of the regional development banks and one of the premier international development institutions working in Latin America and the Caribbean. But as President Iglesias has said so well, the IDB is more than a bank with financial resources. It is a bank with a soul. We are committed to using our resources to support and catalyze the development process in all its dimensions, including social, intellectual and cultural as well as economic development. A central aspect of our broad vision of development is our dedication to support equal partnership between women and men as participants in the process of development. World conferences such as this are easy to criticize. But they can be a useful vehicle, through discussion, debate, even through disagreement, for informing and educating and convincing ourselves, of what should and can be done. I am convinced that this world conference will make a difference. I assure you that this conference and all the events surrounding it are already inspiring us at the IDB to a renewed and expanded commitment to the agenda contained in the Platform for Action. I want to spend the next few minutes sharing with you our vision in the IDB of how men and women, as full partners in the development challenge, can share equally in prosperity and power in the Latin America and Caribbean region. I will speak about three Ps: partnership, prosperity and power. Partnership Means Putting Men Back in the Family Let me begin with partnership. This is a conference about women. But a full partnership of women and men requires a rethinking of men's as well as women's roles in society. Women in the Latin America and Caribbean region have always been productive workers on farms and in informal urban businesses. Now, in addition, women make up 30 percent of the formal labor force, double the rate of one generation ago. But the roles of men have not changed commensurately. Fathers in Latin America contribute only about one-fifth as much time as mothers to the care of their children -- one of the lowest ratios of any region in the world. Too many fathers, feeling restricted to a narrow family role as breadwinner, see themselves as failures if even temporarily they cannot provide adequately for their family's economic needs. In parts of Latin America and the Caribbean region, during the economic decline of the 1980s, many fathers tragically abandoned their pregnant partners and their children, adding to the numbers and poverty of female-headed households. The development challenge is all about making better lives for our children. We as women cannot do it alone. Children benefit from the emotional as well as financial support of their fathers; behind every mother truly liberated to contribute to development outside the home is likely to be a father, uncle or male colleague who has been liberated to contribute inside the home. In such countries as Colombia and Guatemala, studies of how men and women use their time suggest women have systematically more work and less leisure than men. The same is true all over the developed world. The problem is not that women are entering the paid labor force, nor that women have more apparent choices; it is that men are not encouraged to engage in the real work of raising children, and thus seem to have too few choices. Worst of all, public policy, except in a few countries of Scandinavia, fails to support an expanded role for men in the family. Government programs and policies that affect employment, child care, and pensions, are still largely shaped by gender stereotypes that fail to support the emotional responsibility of men to their families, exacting a heavy toll not only on men and women but on their children. To address this problem in Latin America, the Inter- American Development Bank is working with member governments to develop and support programs and policies, in education, health, training, social insurance, child care and employment, that explicitly support an expanded role for men in the family. We hope that the Platform of Action coming out of this conference will provide ample reinforcement for this direction in our region. Prosperity in the Region Means Reducing Barriers to Women's Economic Equality The second P is prosperity. After a long period of stagnation and decline, our region is experiencing renewed economic growth. Government leaders have sponsored courageous economic reforms. They have reduced inflation dramatically with heavy doses of fiscal and monetary discipline. They have carried out fundamental structural reforms, including trade liberalization, tax reform, and privatizations that have reduced the fiscal burden of subsidizing inefficient state- owned enterprises. Investments and exports are increasing, and private capital is flowing into the region. The structural reforms have enabled the countries of the region to weather the financial storm set off by last December's devaluation of its currency by Mexico. These economic reforms and the growth they are bringing are absolutely necessary for the reduction of widespread poverty and deep inequality in the region. But they are far from sufficient. Our member countries of Latin America are now making substantial commitments to policies and programs to more directly reduce poverty and attack inequality. They are, with the support of the Inter-American Development Bank, committed to ensuring that structural reforms are designed to minimize negative effects on the poor, and including programs to explicitly protect the poor when necessary. They are committed to maximizing the productivity-enhancing effects for the poor of credit programs for small entrepreneurs and of investments in education, health, and infrastructure. Obviously a concern with reducing poverty requires attention to women. Poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean, indeed throughout the Americas, has emerged as a markedly feminine phenomenon. Most of the poor in our region are women and children. A quarter of households are headed by women (in some countries almost half of households) and of these, most are poor. Because women are poor and so many are household heads, in some countries more than 50 percent of children are growing up poor. This is not primarily a problem of education. With the worrisome exception of women in the indigenous communities of Latin America, where female illiteracy still far exceeds male illiteracy, women in our region now have virtually equal access to basic education. It is a problem of equal access to jobs and to credit, and equal pay for equal work. Women are more likely to be unemployed than men in Latin America. They are systematically less likely to have the contacts, the collateral and in some countries, the legal standing, to get access to commercial bank credits. When employed they earn just 75 percent of what men earn. Ironically, even as women are the principal victims of poverty, they are also the great multipliers of prosperity. We know from careful research that women spend more of their personal income on their children than men, and that a mother's education has a more powerful influence on children's education than a father's. Improving women's access to jobs, to credit and to equal pay is not only just and fair, a legitimate objective of development in itself. It also makes perfectly good economic sense -- because the benefits will spread beyond the family to all of society and to the next generation. I want to mention three types of programs the IDB is supporting to address the constraints to women's prosperity, and thus to prosperity for all, in our borrowing member countries. One is microenterprise development. The IDB has for two decades provided support for microenterprise credit programs of non- governmental organizations. More than half the beneficiaries of these programs, of which there are now several million people, have been women; many are managed by women and women's organizations. Thousands of these groups are now receiving support from the IDB, including through a special facility to finance our equity participation in these ventures, to become full-fledged financial institutions in their countries, able to raise as well as lend resources. A second is vocational training. Recent loans to Argentina and Chile have included components to ensure that women are encouraged to take training in skills that are highly marketable but have traditionally been confined to men, such as plumbing, carpentry, and electrical work. These programs also include day care and other promotional activities targeted to women. In Chile 45 percent of the participants in this program to date have been women. The third area is child development. We are expanding our efforts to develop and support comprehensive child care programs, which benefit not only children, but help women balance their responsibilities for raising children with their need to work and their efforts to participate in political and civic life. New programs are being designed and executed in Nicaragua, Bolivia and Peru. Over the last four years we have made special efforts to ensure that gender concerns are an integral part of all the programs we support and all the policies we recommend -- through our dialogue with borrowing members on economic policy, and in the context of our lending for agriculture, infrastructure and urban development as well as for education, health and family planning. In 1991, the first year for which such statistics were kept, only 6 percent of our mainstream loan projects included specific actions to address gender differences and strengthen women's participation in projects. By 1994 that share has risen to 31 percent. We are committed to pushing that share to 50 percent by the year 2000. Power for Women is Key to Real Development The third P is power -- power for women in Latin America and the Caribbean. Development in our region cannot happen unless women have more power over their own lives and more influence in shaping the policies and programs that affect everyone's lives. Too many women compared with men are poor and on their own to continue to rely on trickle-down within families to ensure prosperity for all. Women are too central as mothers and multipliers of development for development to occur in the absence of their fullest possible contribution. Women's full contribution to development can only be tapped when they can participate as equally powerful partners, with men, in all aspects of economic and political life. Participation without equal access to leadership and power will not bring development progress. I am not among those women who say that powerful women will become mere mirrors of powerful men. Women with power in Latin America are already making a distinct contribution to political and civic life, and to the shaping of economic and social policies. The strengthening of democracy throughout the region and the increasing reliance of democratic governments on institutions of civil society are rapidly creating new leadership opportunities for women. But women have a long way to go. Women participate in significant numbers in political parties and labor unions, but rarely as leaders. Only a few women have achieved top political positions, and a few others stand out as social activists and business leaders. Women occupy only 5 to 8 percent of positions in the region's legislative assemblies, and women in the executive branch of government are concentrated in the social ministries, and largely excluded from the political, economic, judicial, and defense spheres. Encouragingly for the future, women's influence is greater through nontraditional channels, such as the fast growing movement of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). In our region women also increased their representation among managers and administrators from 18 percent in 1980 to 25 percent in 1990. To support the movement for greater leadership of women in political and civic life, the IDB in collaboration with other donors, is launching a Fund for Women's Leadership and Representation. The Fund will finance programs of nongovernmental organizations leadership training and capacity building for nongovernmental organizations. The IDB also supports legal reform and civic education to reduce gender inequity through programs such as the Technical Cooperation Program for Governance, now being prepared in Bolivia. And within the IDB itself in this year of the Beijing conference, the President has asked for new actions to increase the participation of women in our own management ranks. Eight percent of our sector managers are now women, compared to 2 percent 10 years ago. We know we cannot be a truly effective development institution until we have more women in our own senior decision-making positions. Finally, the Bank is seeking to address one of the most intractable forms of unequal power -- the threat of physical violence against women. Together with the Pan American Health Organization, we are designing a regional program to treat and prevent violence against women through legal reform to punish offenders, training of medical personnel, public education campaigns, and programs to assist victims to rebuild their lives. Development is About Our Children I want to end on a personal note. Development is about the future, and thus about our children and our young people. Today's youth are the ones who will determine what the tomorrow of the 21st century will look like. With that in mind, the IDB has sponsored a youth delegation to this world conference on women, made up of one young woman from each of our borrowing member countries. Over the last few days, I have had the chance to interact with these remarkable young people and to take inspiration from their energy, creativity and commitment. They have reminded me that I am not only a development banker and a woman. I am also a mother, deeply concerned with the future of my own children, and the shape of the future world in which they will live most of their lives. Many of us in this room will not live to see the changes we have been speaking about here and working for in each of our home settings. But the young members of the IDB's youth delegation, and all of our own children, can live to see those changes -- if we commit ourselves now to a full partnership between equally powerful men and women that will endure into the next millennium. I feel fortunate, as a woman and a mother, to work in an institution and in a region of the world dedicated to that mission and that partnership, and to know that I and the institution I work for can be part of this historic process.