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Statistics and indicators

Indicators are used to measure and monitor the achievement of expected results and targets and help establish the “success” of our work. They also serve to produce knowledge on the basis of which management and policy-makers can make informed decisions.

If indicators are not gender-responsive (ie. designed to capture the gender gaps we are seeking to eliminate), how can we realistically expect to effectively reduce them.

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Toolkit on Gender Indicators in Engineering, Science and Technology - (UNESCO-UNISPAR)
GST Gateway.jpgDeveloped in the framework of the UNISPAR project, this Toolkit seeks to help its users collect sex-disaggregated data in scientific and technological activities for national and international policy.

UNESCO Gender Lens for Measuring Performance: Guide for developing gender sensitive indicators - (UNESCO)

Gender-Sensitive Education Statistics and Indicators: A Practical Guide@ - (UIS)

EFA Global Monitoring Report 2003/4 - THE LEAP TO EQUALITY@ - (UNESCO)
The Leap to Equality.jpgReleased 6 November 2003. All countries have pledged to eliminate gender disparities in primary and secondary education by 2005. According to the 2003 edition of the EFA Global Monitoring Report, 54 countries are at risk of not achieving this goal on present trends.More than 56 percent of the 104 million out of school children are girls and over two-thirds of the world’s 860 million illiterates are women.But reaching equality is not just a question of numbers. It implies the same chances of learning, of benefiting from equitable treatment within the school and the same opportunities in terms of employment, wages and civic participation.This new edition of the Report highlights innovative and best practice, suggests priorities for national strategies and examines how the international community is meeting its commitments towards EFA.

The Challenge of achieving gender parity in basic education: a statistical review, 1990-1998@ - (UNESCO 2002)
The challenge of acheiving gender parity.bmpReport reviews and analyses the progress made in girls’ education, and gender parity in basic education, since the 1990 Jomtien Conference on Education for All.

Measuring parity, equality and equity in education – Technical Issues@ - (UIS)
Measuring Gender Parity.jpgPowerPoint presentation.

Guidelines for Implementing, Monitoring and Evaluating Gender Responsive EFA Plans@ - (UNESCO Bangkok)
Guidelines EFA 2003 thumbnail.gif(UNESCO, 2003) - This booklet is a revision of and a follow-up to the Guidelines for Preparing Gender-responsive EFA Plans published in March 2002 to assist planning teams to prepare gender-responsive EFA plans.

Statistics on girls and Education in the Arab States@ - (UIS)
Arab regional rpt cover thumbnail copy.jpgSome eight million primary school-age children remain out-of-school in the Arab States and five million of them are girls, according to a new report published by UNESCO. However, it finds that when given the opportunity to go to school, girls tend to repeat less than boys and to complete their primary and secondary schooling more often. UNESCO Institute for Statistics, 2002





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