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Special interests
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USEFUL gender-responsive resources in the field of Culture The following resources were developed either by or in cooperation with UNESCO.
They can help you address the gender dimensions of culture-related work.
| La Participation des femmes à la vie culturelle et artistique - ()
L’ensemble des travaux présentés ici, et qui constituent une part significative des activités menées par la Section des politiques culturelles depuis la fin des années 70 sur l e thème de la participation à la vie culturelle, s’ordonne selon une double interrogation : les obstacles culturels à l’accession des femmes à la plénitude de leurs droits dans toutes les sociétés sont-ils d’ordre structurel ?... |
| 60 women contributing to the 60 years of UNESCO: constructing the foundations of peace - ()
60 years of UNESCO’s history are brought to life through the voices of 60 women who either have contributed, or who continue to contribute to UNESCO in different capacities. This volume gathers their perspectives, thus providing a unique documentation of the critical role women play in building UNESCO and in promoting its ideals.
(UNESCO Paris 2006)- 292 pages. |
| Gender,Culture and Development in English speaking Africa - (UNESCO -CLT)
This Subregional workshop on “Culture, Gender and Development” was jointly organized by the Ministry of Information and Culture of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the African Itinerant Collage for culture and Development, with the financial assistance of UNESCO and IDEP. |
| Our Creative Diversity - Chapter 5: Gender and Culture - (UNESCO Publishing)
"Gender is a universal and yet very sensitive issue, because of its impact on personal identity and, ultimately, on power - values which are culturally determined. Development has changed how we look at men and women and the relations between them. Any form of discrimination against women can no longer be tolerated on equity grounds, nor can it be justified in terms of social efficiency: women's productive capacities are an essential ingredient in improving the quality of life for all." |
| The Interface of Gender and Culture - (UNESCO Bangkok)
"People are influenced and formed by their cultural environments; At the samte time, they influence and build the cultures around them, changing them as they resist, and reinforcing and recreating them as they conform"... |
| Women and Cultural Policies - (European Research Institute for Comparative Cultural Policy and the Arts)
Working paper by Danielle Cliche, Ritva Mitchell, Andreas Job; Wies and European Research Institute for Comparative Cultural Policy and the Arts.