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Coordination of Action to benefit Africa

The mission assigned to the Africa Department is to create conditions conducive to ensuring that the special priority given to Africa by the governing bodies is translated into reality. The Africa Department (AFR) is responsible for ensuring that Africa-oriented activities are effectively treated as a priority at all stages of programme elaboration and implementation, for subsequent monitoring and coordination, for mobilization of resources and promotional activities concerning Africa, as well as for the substantive relations with African Member States. (DG/Note/00/15 du 3 juillet 2000).

As a coordinating unit, its main purpose is to give impetus to UNESCO’s action in Africa so as to reflect in all its programmes the priority that is specially accorded to the Africa region and ensure that these programmes are adapted to the needs and aspirations of African Member States. The Department will also promote the continent’s participation in the globalization process and strengthen regional and subregional cooperation.
In this regard, the Africa Department is responsible for:

- Ensuring that Africa-oriented activities are effectively treated as a priority
- Following-up the coordination of the programmes in favour of Africa
- Promoting activities in favour of Africa and mobilizing resources

Follow-up of the cooperation with African Member States and partnerships for/in Africa.

The Africa Department is in charge of the follow-up of relations with Member States and partnerships in Africa to ensure that the continent’s priorities are taken more effectively into account.

In this regard, the Africa Department is the focal point of the Organization for:
- The NEPAD (The New Partnership for Africa Development)
- The United Nations programmes in Africa
- The cooperation with regional and sub-regional organizations

Particular stress is placed on the preparation, organization, follow-up and evaluation of the Director-General’s official visits to Africa.

In this context, the Department is responsible for : coordinating the implementation of the decisions of the governing bodies concerning Africa and following up the memoranda, agreements, special action plans and briefing notes; strengthening the exchange and consultation mechanisms with the Africa Group; and ensuring follow-up to requests by African countries under the Participation Programme.

To this end, the Department maintains close relations with governmental authorities, permanent delegations, electoral groups and national commissions notably by ensuring follow-up to the special action plans, the requests by African countries under the Participation Programme, and the recommendations of summits and major conferences relating to development in Africa at the regional and sub-regional level.

  • History of the Africa Department

  • Publication décisions UA ENG.JPGEducation, Culture, Science and Communication for regional regional integration in Africa Africa Department

    Bilan Biennium 2008-2009_réduit.JPGListening to Africa Africa Department
    Review of UNESCO activities in Africa during the biennium 2008-2009 More

    vol1eng.jpgSpecial Issue -Listening to Africa
    Listening to Africa- Special bilingual Edition 2 Volumes - Speeches More

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     Africa Department
           Programme & Budget
           Who´s who?
     Focal Points

    See also:
     Sector for External Relations and Cooperation


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    Updated:21-05-2007 9:34 am