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National Commissions for UNESCO

Strategy and Programme

Strategy and Programme
  • © UNESCO/A. Wheeler

Excerpts from the Medium Term Strategy for 2008-2013
Document 34 C/4 (pdf 592Ko)

  • The network of National Commissions for UNESCO – a constituent element of UNESCO and unique in the United Nations system – has the capacity to facilitate contact and promote interface between Member States and the intellectual and professional communities in each country in order to forge broader alliances as well as to extend the outreach of UNESCO in each Member State.

  • National Commissions contribute significantly to the pursuit of the Organization’s objectives and the conceptualization, implementation and delivery of its programmes at the regional, subregional and national levels.

  • UNESCO will continue to strengthen the operational capacities and competencies of the National Commissions and continue to use them in:
    - programme delivery,
    - communication,
    - partnering and mobilization,
    - management of extrabudgetary resources,
    - enhance the networking and cooperation among them to empower their activities.

  • Efforts will also be made to draw on their expertise in United Nations common country level programming exercises.

  • Excerpts from the Programme and Budget for 2010-2011
    Document 35 C/5 (pdf 1,6Ko)

  • Conceptualization and implementation of programmes at regional and subregional levels:

    National Commissions’ participation in the C/4 and the C/5 consultative preparatory process is indispensable.

    Regional consultations on the preparation of the draft Programme and Budget for 2012-2013 (36 C/5) as well as quadrennial conferences (in Arab States and Africa), statutory in character, will be organized concurrently in 2010 in the most cost-effective manner.

    Emphasis will be placed on securing the inputs from National Commissions and other stakeholders, including intellectual communities and civil society representatives, and on strengthening networking of and cooperation among National Commissions at regional and subregional levels.

    The basic competences and operational capacities of National Commissions will be strengthened through the biennial interregional information seminar for newly appointed Secretaries-General as well as sub regional and regional training workshops for other staff of National Commissions.

    Discussion topics will be chosen according to the needs and training methods and will be adapted to promote exchange of experiences and sharing of good practices.

    Some capacity-building resources are available for National Commissions in need through the Participation Programme for ICT equipment and for staff training support.
    Building capacity for an implementation of national policies in UNESCO’s fields of competence will be encouraged and supported, whenever possible.

  • Advocacy and communication services

    Efforts will be pursued to advocate the role of National Commissions at various levels and through different channels, and to help develop public information activities and media relations. Publications and electronic materials for National Commissions will be updated as necessary.

    The communication tools and services such as the online portal and the database on National Commissions will be continuously improved and updated.

    Europe and North America Latin America and the Caribbean Africa Arab States Asia Pacific