World Population Prospects
Official UN population estimates (1950-2050) and
projections (2004-2050) for the world, 6 major areas, 21 regions
and 228 countries or areas. Estimates and projections are also given
for more developed regions, less developed regions, least developed
regions and sub-Saharan Africa. Volume I includes estimates and
projections of total population, sex ratio, population growth rate,
birth and death rate, infant mortality rate, life expectancy at
birth and total fertility rate. |
World Urbanization Prospects |
Estimates and projections of urban and rural populations
and of urban agglomerations for the world, 5 major areas, 21 regions,
and 228 countries or areas. |
World Contraceptive Use |
The Division carries out comprehensive reviews of contraceptive use around the world
based primarily on national sample surveys in all countries for which they are available. Results are
reported in published reports and wall charts. |
World Population Policies
Provides an overview of population policies and dynamics
as of mid-decade for the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s and for 2003. Includes
information on government perceptions, objectives and policies related
to population size, growth and structure. |
PRED Bank (Population, Resources, Environment and Development) |
- Order
- Institutions in developing countries may request one free copy. Use institutional letterhead.
Mail or fax to 1-212-963-2147.
This CD-ROM datahase brings together time series data dealing with various aspects of
population, labour force, education, economic and social development, land, water and energy
use. Also provides texts of selected international treaties and conventions related to
environment and development issues.
Population, Development and HIV/AIDS with particular emphasis on Poverty:
The Concise Report (2005)
Analyses recent information and policy perspectives on population, environment and development.
Topics investigated include the evolution of population and the environment at major United Nations conferences,
trends in population, environment and development, and government views and policies concerning population,
environment and development. |