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United Nations Population Information Network
A guide to population information on UN system web sites

Global Data Regional Data
Data for particular countries may be available on the web sites of national statistical authorities (list by Statistics Division).
  Official UN estimates (1950-2010) and projections (2010-2100) for every country in the world, including estimates and projections of over 35 demographic indicators, including birth rates, deaths rates, infant mortality rates and life expectancy. Online data are available for interactive query and download in MS-Excel worksheet files.
Demographic Yearbooks (Statistics Division)
  The Demographic Yearbooks provide statistics reported by national statistical offices covering such areas as population size, composition, fertility, mortality, nuptiality and divorce. Each yearbook focuses on a special topic. An Historical Supplement covering 1948-1997 is available on CDROM.
Global and Regional Population Distribution (UNEP)
  Data sets, metadata, reports and graphics on the distribution of world population. Graphics linked at left are illustrative, other regions are available. Published by UNEP GRID-Sioux Falls.
  An easy-to-use, two-step database that allows you to view and compare the most up-to-date statistical data for the Member States of the United Nations (English, French and Spanish). See also Country-at-a-Glance
Population and Housing Census Dates (Statistics Division)
  Completed and anticipated census dates given here refer to complete enumeration (100 per cent) unless otherwise noted; some topics may be investigated on a sample basis.
Population and Vital Statistics Report (Statistics Division)
  Results of the latest nationwide census of population (total, male and female) and, wherever possible, nationally representative statistics of live births, deaths and infant deaths (deaths under one year of age) for the most recent year available.
Social Indicators (Statistics Division)
  See the home page for a complete list of indicators.
Statistical Data on Children (UNICEF)
  Summary statistics on population, mortality, immunization, water and sanitation, nutrition, reproductive health and education. For countries of the world. Published by UNICEF.
World Urbanization Prospects (Population Division)
  Estimates and projections of the urban and rural populations of all countries in the world and of their major urban agglomerations.
    Capital cities and cities of 100,000 and more inhabitants, from table 8 of the 2005 Demographic Yearbook.
Education and Literacy Database (UNESCO)
  National level data on educational systems, institutions, teaching staff, student enrolment, literacy, and expenditure on education. Database search by region-country-year. Published by UNESCO.
Health Statistics (WHO)
  Aims to describe and, to the extent possible provide access to, statistical and epidemiological data available from WHO and elsewhere in electronic or other form. Most WHO technical programmes make information available to the public. Allows user to search by keywords.
Report on the global AIDS epidemic - August 2008 (UNAIDS)

Includes analysis on all aspects of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, from the spread of HIV and treatments to the availability of resources, and provides country-by-country figures on the extent of the epidemic.

Epidemiological Fact Sheets by Country (UNAIDS)

Most recent country-specific data on HIV/AIDS prevalence and incidence and related behavioural information. Includes HIV sentinel surveillance data, maps of HIV sentinel sites, reported AIDS cases, curable Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), health service indicators, and knowledge and behaviour information for most countries.

Basic refugee facts (UNHCR)
  Estimated number of persons who fall under the mandate of UNHCR.
Refugee statistics (UNHCR)
  The latest numbers and graphics detailing the refugee situation worldwide, from the Registration and Statistics Unit of UNHCR.
The World's Women: 2005 (Statistics Division)

This report uniquely focuses on national reporting of sex disaggregated statistics in such areas as demographics, health, education, work, violence against women, poverty, human rights and decision-making. This is the fourth World’s Women report since 1990. The previous three focused on statistical trends in the situation of women. Five years ago, the World’s Women report emphasized that there was a lack of sex disaggregated data and that the improvement of national statistical capacity – the ability to provide timely and reliable statistics – is essential for improving gender statistics.

Data for particular countries may be available on the web sites of national statistical authorities (list by Statistics Division).
The 2006 African Statistical Yearbook
  • Home
  The 2006 African Statistical Yearbook, presents data arranged on a country basis for 53 ECA members States.
Asia and the Pacific in Figures 2006
  Full data online and publication for sale. Social and economic statistics for 57 countries, including statistics on population, birth and death rates, infant mortality and life expectancy, education, communication, employment, and land use. Contact information for heads of national statistical offices in Asia and the Pacific is provided.
Statistical Indicators for Asia and the Pacific
  Indicators for 57 countries, include mid-year population, annual growth rate, population density, crude birth rate, crude death rate, total fertility rate, life expectancy at birth, infant mortality rate, under age 5 mortality rate, sex ratio of population 60+, dependency ratio, percent urban population, gross secondary school enrolment ratio, and the human development index.
Population and family planning in China
  Data and information on the current status of the population and family planning programme at the provincial level in 30 provinces/ municipalities of China. Each provincial file includes information on the geography, resources, economy, people's life, education, population situation and trends, and family planning programme and policies.
Reproductive health indicators
  You may search the Reproductive Health Indicators by entering keywords (country, name, table title, subject terms, ...).
Trends in Europe and North America
  Country profiles for 55 European and North American countries and for Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tadjikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. Includes information on population, families and households, education, employment, income and output, health, housing, transport and tourism, energy, environment, communication, participation, and crime and safety. Highlights online, publication for sale.
UNECE Gender Statistics Database
  Comprehensive database providing sex-disaggregated data on population and households; work and economy; education and communication; public life and decisionmaking; and health, crime and violence, for countries in the UNECE region.
Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean 2005
  Selection of the main statistical series available on economic and social trends in the countries of the region. Represents a systematic effort of the ECLAC Statistics and Projections Division to harmonize the figures and make them internationally comparable. Full text online and publication for sale. Spanish and English.
Demographic Bulletins for Latin America
  Bin annual publication. Recent issues cover Economically active population 1980-2025,
Projection of urban-rural population 1970-2025, and Population projections 1970-2050. Full text online. Spanish and English.
  Publication listed on ESCWA Statistics Division page.

Last updated: January 2009