Official UN estimates (1950-2004) and projections
(2004-2050) for every country in the world, including estimates
and projections of 28 demographic indicators, including birth rates,
deaths rates, infant mortality rates and life expectancy. Published
by the UN Population Division. |
The State of World Population ( UNFPA) |
Report on population and development issues published
annually by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). Full or
partial text available online in English, French and Spanish. |
World Urbanization Prospects: the 2007 Revision,
prepared by the United Nations Population Division, presents estimates
and projections of the number of people living in the urban and
rural areas of the countries of the world for the period 1950-2030. |
The latest, fifty-third edition of this publication
(2001) is a unique international sources of population information
for over 230 countries or area of the world. It provides population
information for the year 2001, reported by national statistical
offices and covering such areas as population size, composition,
fertility, mortality, nuptiality and divorce. (Home) |
World Contraceptive Use 2009 provides the latest information available about contraceptive prevalence, by method, recent trends in contraceptive use and unmet need for family planning for countries and regions of the world. |
World Population Policies 2009, Population
Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations,
New York, 2010.
"The publication
provides a summary overview of population policies and dynamics for each of
the United Nations Member and
for which data
are available at mid-decade for the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s and for 2009.
". (from the Introduction) |
Review and Appraisal of the Progress Made in Achieving the Goals and
Objectives of the Program of Action of the International Conference
on Population and Development, ST/ESA/SER. A/235, Population
Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations,
New York, 2004.