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United Nations Population Information Network
A guide to population information on UN system web sites

Economic and Social Council
Functional Commissions
Economic and Social Affairs
   Population and Development (CPD)     Population (CPD) 
   Social Development (CSOD)     Social Policy and Development (CSOD) 
   Statistics (SC)     Statistics (SC) 
   Status of Women (CSW)     Advancement of Women (CSW) 
   Sustainable Development (CSUD)     Sustainable Development (CSUD) 
Regional Commissions

This page lists population-related web sites in the United Nations system. See UN System Sites for a guide to all UN system web sites.

The Economic and Social Council and the Secretariat are two of six major organs of the United Nations (UN Organisation Chart).

The five Functional Commissions are each served by a Division in the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the Secretariat.

The Economic and Social Council includes, in addition to Functional Commissions, Regional Commissions, Programmes and Funds, and Specialized Agencies.

Specialized agencies are autonomous organizations working with the United Nations and each other through the coordinating machinery of the Economic and Social Council.

   Africa (ECA)  
   Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)  
   Europe (ECE)  
   Latin America and the Carribean (ECLAC)  
   Western Asia (ESCWA)  
   Children (UNICEF)  
   Development (UNDP)  
   Environment (UNEP)  
   Habitat (Habitat)  
   Population (UNFPA)  

   Refugees (UNHCR)

   Women (UNIFEM)  
Specialized Agencies
   Educational, Science and Culture (UNESCO)  
   Food and Agriculture (FAO)  
   Health (WHO)  
   Labour (ILO)  
   World Bank (WBG)