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United Nations Population Information Network
A guide to population information on UN system web sites

Intergovernmental Conferences on Population
Five Year Review of ICPD, July 1999, New York [POPIN| UNFPA]   Twenty-first special session of the General Assembly for an overall review and appraisal of the implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD).
International Conference on
Population and Development
September 1994, Cairo, Egypt [POPIN| UNFPA]
  The largest intergovernmental conference on population and development ever held, with 11,000 registered participants. More than 180 states took part in negotiations to finalize a Programme of Action in the area of population and development for the next 20 years. (ICPD Background)
Other Conferences, Meetings, and Workshops
World Summit on Sustainable Development,
2-11 September 2002
  Will bring together heads of State and Government, national delegates and leaders from non-governmental organizations (NGOs), businesses and other major groups to focus attention on improving people's lives and conserving natural resources. ("Rio+5")
Special Session on Children
8-10 May 2002
New York
   A meeting of the UN General Assembly dedicated to the children and adolescents of the world. Will bring together government leaders and Heads of State, NGOs, children's advocates and young people themselves at the United Nations in New York.
Second World Assembly on Ageing
8-12 April 2002
  Will review the outcome of the First World Assembly on Ageing held in Vienna, Austria, in 1982 and consider an international strategy for action on ageing based on 21st century realities in developing as well as developed countries.
Habitat Agenda Review
6-8 June 2001
New York
  Special Session of the General Assembly to review the Habitat agenda worldwide. Products include Cities in a Globalizing World: Global Report on Human Settlements 2001 and The State of the World's Cities Report 2001.
Social Summit+5
26 June - 1 July 2000
  24th special session of the United Nations General Assembly. Convened to assess the achievements made at the Social Summit of Copenhagen and to discuss new initiatives. A CD-ROM of documents may be obtained by sending an email containing your occupation and mailing address to: social@un.org.
Women 2000
5-9 June 2000
New York
  Women 2000: Gender Equality, Development and Peace for the 21st Century, a Special Session of the General Assembly. Beijing+5
Fourth World Conference on Women
September 1995
Beijing, China
  Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (preliminary version Report of the Fourth World Conference on Women; final version available from United Nations Publications Sales Office).