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United Nations Population Information Network
A guide to population information on UN system web sites


The Population Information Network (POPIN) was founded on 9 May 1979, by resolution 1979/33 of the United Nations Economic and Social Council. POPIN strives to make international, regional and national population information, particularly information available from United Nations sources, easily available to the international community. The development of POPIN was partially supported by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

The Population Information Network is a decentralized community of population institutions organized into global, regional and national networks. Global POPIN activities, including this web site, are established by and within the United Nations Population Division. Regional population networks have been established by

Regularly issued publications which provide updates on POPIN activities include:

  • Population Newsletter. "POPIN Update" column includes information about Global POPIN activities at the United Nations Population Division. Published biannually by the Population Division/DESA;
  • Asia-Pacific POPIN Bulletin. Includes information and articles about POPIN activities in the Asia-Pacific region;
  • PADIS Newsletter. Includes information about POPIN and development activities in Africa and other regions. Published four times a year in English and French by the Pan African Development Information System (PADIS) of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA);
  • Boletin del PROLAP. Includes information about POPIN activities in Latin America and the Caribbean. Published four times a year in Spanish by the Programa Latinoamericano de Actividades en Población, Buenos Aires, Argentina;
  • APLIC- International Communicator. Includes information about the activities of the Association for Population/Family Planning Libraries and Information Centers- International (APLIC-I), which serves as the Northern American POPIN. Published periodically by APLIC.

Bibliographic Databases maintained by the global and regional POPIN networks include:

  • DOCPAL bibliographic database of citations to Latin American population literature. Produced by the Latin American Demographic Centre (CELADE) of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC/CEPAL). Also available in CD-ROM format from CELADE.
  • EBIS POPFILE bibliographic database of citations to Asia- Pacific population literature. Produced by the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). Also available on diskette from ESCAP. For national databases, please contact Asia-Pacific POPIN.
  • PADIS bibliographic database of citations to African population literature. Produced by the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA). Also available on diskette from the ECA.

For further information about the Population Information Network, please contact: The Director, Population Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations Secretariat, 2 United Nations Plaza (Rm. DC2-1950), New York, NY 10017, USA. Telephone: (212) 963-3179; Fax: (212) 963-2147.