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Working at UNESCO as a translator or interpreter

There are professional language careers at UNESCO for translators, revisers and interpreters.

As a pivot of multicultural harmony within the Organization, you will ensure communication among government representatives to UNESCO.

Although French and English are UNESCO’s two working languages, the Organization also uses Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Spanish as its official languages.
10003060_250.jpg For all language posts, your mother tongue or principal language must be one of the official languages and you should have excellent knowledge of the culture and literature of that language. You will also need an excellent knowledge of one of the working languages, and it is highly desirable to know at least one of the other official languages of UNESCO.

Depending on your skills and level of experience, you may join
  • either UNESCO’s core staff of translators and interpreters
  • or the pool of freelance translators.

  • 10028770.jpg
    Becoming a permanent translator, reviser or interpreter at UNESCO

    As UNESCO’s core staff member, you can be appointed either as translator/minute writer, reviser, or interpreter.


    Becoming a freelance translator for UNESCO

    UNESCO may enlist your services as a freelance translator to meet needs related to language specialization or during particularly busy periods.







    How to do

    Translators - Interpreters

  • Becoming a permanent translator, reviser or interpreter at UNESCO

  • Becoming a freelance translator for UNESCO

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