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Social & Human Sciences

Contributing to the dialogue among civilizations and cultures and to a culture of peace through philosophy, the human sciences, good governance, the promotion of human rights, and the fight against discrimination.

The social and human sciences have a vital role to play in helping to understand and interpret the social, cultural and economic environment. They provide research, identify and analyze trends, propose paths of action.

UNESCO has set itself a number of tasks that should help reduce the gap between what is and what should be:
  • Determine what should be (ethics and human rights)
  • Anticipate what could be (philosophy)
  • Study what is (empirical social science research)

    Social & Human Sciences
    Southern Africa


    24 Nov 2011 International Day for the Elimination of violence Against Women, 25 November 2011 UNESCO
    Message from Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of violence Against Women, 25 November 2011 More

    09 Dec 2010 Message from Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO on the occasion of Human Rights Day, 10 December 2010 UNESCO
    Human Rights Day, 10 December 2010 More

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    Archives: Social & Human Sciences Sector

    Fight against Racism and Discrimination

    Setting things right towards gender equality and equity in Namibia

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    Updated:30-11-2011 2:35 pm