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Division of Relations with Organizations and New Partnerships


    PROGRAMME 2010-2011 (35 C/5)

    Part III.A External relations and cooperation

    Relations with international organizations and partnerships

    UNESCO will work with the United Nations system organizations to advance and contribute to the ongoing United Nations reform process through intergovernmental mechanisms and inter-agency bodies, including the United Nations General Assembly; ECOSOC; and CEB, including through its new pillar, UNDG. It will engage in inter-agency cooperation as well as in relations with intergovernmental organizations with a view to achieving a better impact and visibility of UNESCO’s action in Member States.
    UNESCO will focus on maintaining, strengthening and rationalizing existing relations with its partners among intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, foundations, networks of UNESCO Clubs and Centres, parliamentarians, civil society, on the one hand, and developing new partnerships to further enhance the impact of UNESCO, on the other hand.

    Consult also: Approved programme and budget, 2010-2011 (35C/5)

    Europe and North America Latin America and the Caribbean Africa Arab States Asia Pacific