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International Women's Days in UNESCO Every year in March, UNESCO celebrates International Women’s Day (March 8) by hosting a flagship programme, consisting of round-tables, conferences, exhibitions and cultural events that highlight issues relating to the empowerment of women and the promotion of gender equality.
International Women's Day 2010
The Division for Gender Equality of the Bureau of Strategic Planning is organizing a series of events, in collaboration with a diverse range of partners, that will take place at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris from 8 to 19 March 2010 to celebrate International Women’s Day.
You will find herafter a description of all the events organised by the Division for Gender Equality of the Bureau of Strategic Planning: | 
| High Level Round Table on "Beijing + 15" - 8 March 2010, 3 to 5 pm, Room II - (BSP/GE)
 Organized by the Division for Gender Equality
Every year, UNESCO organizes a high-level International Round Table on a specific theme that inaugurates UNESCO’s programme celebrating International Women’s Day. This year’s theme is “Beijing +15” in keeping with the UN system theme for 2010. The Round Table will focus on the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995, its agenda, progress and future directions, including UNESCO’s role in upholding and implementing the Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action.
Upon invitation only. Limited places available. |
| Exhibition : « Colors and light », Ms. Watana Noonpackdee Butori, Thailand (8-19 March 2010, Miro I and II) - (BSP/GE)
 Organised in cooperation with the Permanent Delegation of the Kingdom of Thailand to UNESCO
Born in Thailand in 1945, Watana Noonpackdee Butori has lived in France since 1970.
Graduated from the Chulalongkorn university (Bangkok) in Literacy and from the Université de Nancy (France) in Contemporary history, she worked as a free lance interpret and translator for many years and has written the Assimil language method to learn Thai in 1990. |
| Exhibition : “Real Beauty”, Claudia DeMonte, USA (8-19 March 2010, Hall Segur) - (BSP/GE)
 Organised in cooperation with the Permanent Delegation of the United States of America to UNESCO
The art installation “Real Beauty” represents the culmination of 30 years of making art on issues related to women in contemporary society by the American artist, curator and gender equality activist Claudia DeMonte. |
| History of International Women's Day - (UNESCO - SHS)
International Women's Day, formalized by the United Nations in 1977, not only reminds us about the victories of women, but also invites us to reflect upon the role and status of women in the world at large. |