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International Women’s Day

2004 Celebrations
International Women's Day is an opportunity to focus on the unique contributions, problems and opportunities that women face all over the world. It is both a celebration of achievement and a reminder of how far we have to go. This year, on 8 March, the United Nations system is highlighting the many issues surrounding Women and AIDS, which is also the mobilizing theme for the 2004 World AIDS Campaign....


Message by Mr Koïchiro Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO, for International Women’s Day, 8 March 2004 - (UNESCO)
It is both a celebration of achievement and a reminder of how far we have to go. This year, on 8 March, the United Nations system is highlighting the many issues surrounding women and AIDS, which is also the mobilizing theme for the 2004-2005 World AIDS campaign. AIDS is damaging and threatening many advances in human development, including efforts to improve the status and well-being of women everywhere. I take this opportunity to invite all our partners to renew the commitments made in Beijing in 1995 to the empowerment of women, which is a necessary condition for development and for building a future without HIV/AIDS.


L'Oréal and UNESCO making a real difference for women scientists worldwide - (UNESCO Headquarters)

The South helps the South in the struggle against HIV/AIDS - (UNESCO - Routes du Sud)

"Women make the news" UNESCO APPEAL - (UNESCO- CII)

In movement : UNESCO salutes Women Video Artists in the World - (UNESCO)
Paris, 9 February - 1 March 2004. Exhibit inaugurated by M. Koïchiro Matsuura, Director General of UNESCO, "In Movement: UNESCO Salutes Women In Video Art", was on display at UNESCO Headquarters on the occasion of the Organization's celebration of International Women's Day. “In Movement” a show that kept us literally on our toes. It moves – and keeps us moving...


Message from the Director General

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UNAIDS Presentation - by Dr Luc Barrière-Constantin





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