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The UNESCO Office in Windhoek is a Namibia’s country office that seeks to support the government of the Republic of Namibia to achieve its own development programmes and strategies consistent with international agreements, declarations and conventions.

The Office drives UNESCO’s mission to contribute to the building of peace, the eradication of poverty, sustainable development and intercultural dialogue through education, the sciences, culture, and communication and information.

Activities being implemented by UNESCO Windhoek Office

In Education, UNESCO Windhoek Office is committed to a holistic vision of quality education and the realization of everyone’s right to education in Namibia. The Office prioritizes teachers’ education and professional development and supports the revitalization of Vocational Education and Training.
UNESCO Windhoek Office is also supporting the Namibian government and other national stakeholders in implementing Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in the Global Action Programme (GAP).
Through the EDUCAIDS programme, UNESCO is providing learning and teaching support materials on HIV/AIDS and care and support system to cater for the psychosocial needs of teachers and learners affected by HIV and AIDS. The Office is also supporting the national response to HIV and AIDS, especially HIV prevention and Sexual and Reproductive Health Education for young people.

In Natural Sciences, UNESCO Windhoek Office supports initiatives on policy development in areas such as Water Resources Management and Science and Technology innovation. The Office is also providing capacity building on International Hydrological and the Man and the Biosphere programmes.

Cultural resources and creativity represent an important asset in optimizing the potentials of economic development. UNESCO in Namibia therefore coordinates and assists in the implementation of a number of interventions aimed at strengthening the Namibian cultural and creative sectors, as well as consolidating their linkages with sustainable development and poverty reduction, thus contributing to the achievement of the MDGs, post-2015 agenda as well as the Vision 2030 and the implementation of NDP IV. UNESCO is convinced that no development can be sustainable without a strong culture component. Indeed only a human-centred approach to development based on mutual respect and open dialogue among cultures can lead to lasting, inclusive and equitable results.

In the area of Communication and Information, the Office is promoting freedom of expression and the press particularly through the celebration of World Press Freedom Day and World Radio Day every year. In addition, the Office also promotes grassroots media development, in particular community radios and building inclusive knowledge societies through information and communication.

As part of the United Nations Country Team (UNCT) in Namibia, UNESCO Office works in synergy with the United Nations Sister Agencies to implement UNPAF (United Nations Partnership Framework) for 2014-2018. UNESCO is leading Pillar I – “Institutional Environment” which includes the following components among others: Policies and legislative frameworks to ensure transparency, accountability and effective oversight of public affairs; Promotion and protection of human rights; Functional monitoring and evaluation and statistical analysis systems in place. UNESCO Windhoek is also co-leading with UNICEF Pillar II - “Education and Skills” with the aim to improve learning outcomes at all levels.

The Multisectoral Regional Office (MSRO) for Southern Africa
The Windhoek National Office is part of the Southern Africa Multisectoral Regional Office based in Harare, Zimbabwe. The MSRO have full authority in the region with regards to coordination of the programme design, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting within the overall C/4 and C/5 programme framework and in collaboration within Headquarters and other regional field offices and relevant national offices.

Other Countries within the MSRO are Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland and Zambia

Southern Africa
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The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Office in Windhoek is seeking applications for an IT Technician.

The IT Technician will work under the authority of the Head of Office of UNESCO Windhoek, the overall supervision of the Administrative Officer and direct supervision of the national
Assistant Administration/Finance Officer.

Closing date: 20 November 2015

TORs and application procedures can be downloaded below More

IHP.jpg08 Oct 2015 Contract for Services
UNESCO is seeking for an organization (e.g. NGO, University) for the following tasks:
Organization of a 2-day stakeholder consultation meeting end of November including logistics, final report etc. (dates will be confirmed in due time);Undertake an economic evaluation assessment of farms in the Namibian involved in the STAT.
Closing date: 10 October 2015
See full consultancy description here. More

UN70 final Final 2.png11 Sep 2015 Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the United Nations National Drawing & Essay Contest
In the context of the 70th anniversary of the United Nations and under the overall theme of “Youth and Poverty Reduction”, UN Namibia
and the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture is asking the Namibian children and youth to unleash their creativity and to imagine the Namibia they want and deserve!
DEADLINE: Entries must be received by 5 October 2015. More

Call for Consultancy - UNESCO YouthMobile Initiative.jpg19 Aug 2015 UNESCO’s YouthMobile Initiative: Call for Consultants
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Office in Windhoek is seeking applications for a consultant to conduct a feasibility study on the incorporation of mobile application development in formal and non-formal education in Namibia.
Closing date:28th August 2015 More

12 Aug 2015 Message from Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, on the occasion of International Youth Day, 12 August 2015
International Youth Day is an opportunity to celebrate the creative force and the innovative impetus that young people bring to every society. This year’s theme – “Youth Civic Engagement” – emphasizes the role played by the involvement and inclusion of young people in building social cohesion and collective well-being. From social entrepreneurs to journalists, from voluntary workers to members of community organizations, young people contribute to shaping society to lead it towards political, cultural and economic renewal. More

logo.jpg06 Aug 2015 Namibia prepares to commemorate UNESCO’s 70th Anniversary
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) commemorates its 70th Anniversary this year. The celebrations in Namibia will start on 10th August 2015 with an introductory event at the National Theatre of Namibia to reflect on some of UNESCO’s key achievements and contributions to Namibia’s development. More

01 Aug 2015 Review of Namibia's Education Act underway
Namibia has commenced the process of reviewing its Education Act (Act 16 of 2001). Consultations are currently being held at both regional and national levels with key stakeholders in various communities. Learners, teachers, parents, schools’ board members, traditional leaders, religious leaders, civil society organizations and other interest groups are all being consulted. More

30 Jul 2015 Namibia plans to nominate the Greater Waterberg Landscape for inscription on the World Heritage List
Namibia’s National Heritage Council and the Cheetah Conservation Fund have commenced work to prepare a nomination file for possible inscription of the Greater Waterberg Landscape on the World Heritage List. Phase one of this project is underway and it includes: Further research, site visits, and consultations with local communities, traditional authorities, and regional Government. The first official presentation will be made at the next committee meeting of the 1972 convention scheduled to take place in August 2015. More

25 Jul 2015 Mobile Learning in Education for Sustainable Development for Out-of -Youth in Omusati region progresses
The Mobile Learning Project in Education for Sustainable Development and Micro-Gardening for Out-of-School Youth which was launched in June 2015 at Sakeus Iihuhwa Primary School in the Omusati Region (Namibia) has shown that In- formation and Communication Technology can contribute positively to Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), literacy and skills development.
The 10-week project in which the UNESCO Windhoek is collaborating with the Ministry of Sport, Youth and National Service; the Omusati Regional Council Directorate of Education; and Technology Academy Trust was reviewed from 16 -18 July 2015 after four weeks of engaging the out-of-school youth in learning using cutting-edge ICTs. More

25 Jul 2015 Namibia validates data from the School Related Gender Based study
UNESCO commissioned a five country study in Namibia, Lesotho, Botswana, South Africa and Swazi- land on school related gender based violence (SRGBV) in 2014. The study aimed at generating evidence that will assist governments, policy-makers, and professionals in the education sector, civil society organizations and other key stakeholders in Southern Africa to develop educational policies and practices that promote safe schools for all young people More

25 Jul 2015 Director General praises the people of Timbukutu for the reconstruction of the city's mausoleums
The Director-General of UNESCO, Ms. Irina Bokova in July visited Timbuktu whose mausoleums have been re- built three years after they were destroyed by armed groups. During her visit, Ms. Bokova paid tribute to the local communities without whom the reconstruction could not have been carried out. More

22 Jul 2015 Researches share expectations on classroom practices in pre-and lower primary grades study
Action researchers working on classroom practices in pre– and lower primary grades met at five University of Namibia (UNAM) campuses in July 2015 to share experiences and to discuss the major highlights to be included in a national research report on the second phase of an inter- institutional collaborative action research initiative. More

15 Jul 2015 Journalists urged to disseminate accurate information on Comprehensive Sexuality Education
Media practitioners have been challenged to disseminate accurate information on Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) to provide children and young people with age appropriate in- formation, care and support on good sexual and reproductive health and development. This was said during a workshop attended by media practitioners from Lesotho, Malawi, Zambia, Mozambique, Uganda, Tanzania, Namibia, South Sudan and Zimbabwe that took place from 6th to 10 July in Harare, Zimbabwe. More

SIDA project logo-new.png01 Jul 2015 UNESCO and SIDA’s support for community radios hailed
Community radio stations from Lesotho, Namibia and South Africa have expressed their gratitude for UNESCO and SIDA’s financial and technical support availed through the project, “Empowering local radios with ICTs”.
Speaking during the Project Evaluation and Needs Assessment workshops held in June 2015, station managers, financial managers and correspondents said the support provided by UNESCO and SIDA (Swedish International Development Agency) had enabled them to serve their communities better. More

ipdc2.jpg22 Jun 2015 Call for Proposals: International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC)
UNESCO Windhoek National Office is calling for proposals from media stakeholders to be submitted for possible funding under the International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC).

Deadline: 31st July 2015 More

ESDN.png10 Jun 2015 Community Reporters trained to be partners in Education for Sustainable Development in Northern Namibia
The United Nations, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Namibia, recently held a three-day Media Training on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) for Community Media. This was aimed at educating community reporters from the northern regions of Namibia on how the media can become partners in ESD. The workshop, which drew nine participants from Ohangwena Community Radio, Omutumwa Community Newspaper and freelancers was held from the 27th to the 29th of May in Eenhana, Ohangwena region More

SIDA project logo-new.png02 Jun 2015 UNESCO hosts workshop for Namibia Community Radios
UNESCO Windhoek Office hosted a successful three day project evaluation workshop with four community radio stations in Namibia from 26 to 28 May 2015 at the John & Penny Ekamuti Town Lodge in Ondangwa. The focus of the workshop was on income generation and sustainability of local radios. The local stations funded by UNESCO within the framework of the three year Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) supported project are Base FM in Windhoek, Ohangwena Community Radio in Ohangwena, Live FM in Rehoboth, !Ah NBC Radio, and Namibian Community Broadcast Network. More

efa.jpg12 Apr 2015 2015 Education for All Global Monitoring Report and the “Virtual Learning Community of Educators launched in Namibia
UNESCO Windhoek office, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the Faculty of Education, University of Namibia (UNAM), launched the 2015 Education for All Global Monitoring Report (GMR) ‘Education for All 2000-2015: Achievements and Challenges’, and the ‘Virtual Learning Community of Educators in Namibia’ on 22 April 2015. The Education for All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report is an independent publication commissioned by UNESCO on behalf of the international community and has tracked progress on the six EFA goals for the past 15 years. More

logo_E.jpg25 Mar 2015 Moving SADC forward by combating the Illicit Trafficking of Cultural and Natural Heritage in Southern Africa
The launch event of SADCHA (Heritage Association) was officiated by the Hon. Minister Vincent Seretse of the Ministry of Trade and Industry and Mr. Jimmy Opelo, Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Environment, Wildlife and Tourism of Botswana.
Check this link for more information. More

flanders logo new small.png02 Mar 2015 Intangible Heritage Project - Flanders financed
Closing workshop of the project held in Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe from 24 to 26 February 2015. More

wrd291final.jpg16 Feb 2015 Namibia celebrates World Radio Day
Namibia joined the rest of the world in celebrating World Radio Day on 13th February 2015. The main event took place at the Polytechnic of Namibia with a live broadcasting–decentralized to all radio stations through the Namibia Broadcasting Corporation (NBC). The emphasis of the celebrations was the involvement of the youth in content production of radio programmes in line with this year’s theme, “Youth and Radio”. More

logo..lol.png05 Feb 2015 Namibia will join the rest of the world in celebrating the World Radio Day
Namibia, as in previous years, will join the rest of the world to celebrate World Radio Day (WRD) on 13 February 2015 under the theme, "youth and Radio". World Radio Day is recognized on the UN calendar as an international day which was proposed by UNESCO and endorsed by the UN General Assembly in 2012. More

Call for Consultancy - UNESCO YouthMobile Initiative.jpg05 Feb 2015 UNESCO’s YouthMobile Initiative: Call for Consultancy
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Office in Windhoek is seeking applications for a consultant to search for Training Providers in mobile application development in Namibia. Application deadline : 17 February 2014. See full consultancy description here. More

03 Feb 2015 Vacancy Notice: Communication and Information Assistant
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Office in Windhoek is seeking applications for an Assistant Programme Officer for Communication and Information. More

SIDA project logo-new.png15 Dec 2014 Financial management of Atlantic radio strengthened
UNESCO-Windhoek. Twelve (12) local community radio activists recently attended an intensive three-day workshop which focused on Financial and Management Planning with the aim to increase the sustainability of local community radio station. Radio Atlantis is in the Western Cape Province and broadcast to one of the poorest communities in the province. More

SIDA project logo-new.png05 Dec 2014 Humanitarian Reporting and Development Journalism Workshop, Cape Town , South Africa
UNESCO Windhoek Office conducted a 2-day training workshop on humanitarian reporting and development journalism for correspondents from five community radios in South Africa from 1-2 December 2014. The objectives of the workshop were to introduce participants to the MDGs and to show how South African has progressed in meeting the goals as well as to enable participants to come up with community-based stories from the MDGs. More

SIDA project logo-new.png23 Nov 2014 Humanitarian Reporting and Development Journalism Workshop, Windhoek , Namibia
UNESCO Windhoek Office created a platform for training about 18 correspondents from various community radios based in different regions of Namibia. The two day-long training workshop had first allowed the participants to reflect on the MDGs, National Development Plan and the Post -2015 Development Agenda (19-20 November 2014). More

SIDA project logo-new.png01 Nov 2014 Workshop on the role of correspondents, radio programming, work of news desks and correspondents, use of ICTs at Bush Radio, South Africa
UNESCO,Windhoek- Bush Radio conducted a five day workshop from 27-31 October 2014 to enhance the station’s operations especially when working with correspondents. The workshop which trained 6 correspondents (3 females and 3 males) was facilitated by two UNESCO Windhoek personnel, Mr. Chimbidzikai Mapfumo and Ms. Mwatile Ndinoshiho. Bush Radio news editor also attended some of the sessions particularly those pertaining to the work of correspondents and the news desk. More

CLT Win logo res.jpg30 Sep 2014 30 Sep 2014 VACANCY NOTE: Programme assistant for CULTURE
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Cluster Office in Windhoek is seeking applications for a programme assistant in the field of culture. Application deadline: 14 October 2014 (COB)

See the detailed job description here: More

SIDA project logo-new.png07 Sep 2014 Financial Management National Training - Ondangwa, Namibia
UNESCO Windhoek Office sponsored the Financial Management training, as part of the SIDA funded project “Empowering local radio with ICT’s”, for 5 community radio stations in Namibia. Participants at this training workshop on financial planning, management, income generation and sustainability of local radios included board members responsible for finance, radios’ finance officers, station managers, marketing officers and selected senior editorial staff members.The training workshop took place from 25-29 August 2014 in Ondangwa, Namibia. More

The 32nd conference of the Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa (EEASA) is scheduled to take place at University of Namibia (UNAM) from the 9th to the 12th September 2014. The EEASA conference is a very important annual event in the field of Environmental Education (EE) and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Southern Africa. It has over the years proved to be a very useful forum for EE/ESD practitioners from diverse backgrounds in Southern Africa and outside the continent to share ideas, reflect on their practices and improve EE/ESD in the region. The conference organization is coordinated by the University of Namibia (UNAM) as lead and host institution, the Namibia Environmental Education Network (NEEN); the Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET); the Ministry of Youth, Sport and Culture (MYNSSC); the Ministry of Education (MoE) and UNESCO.

The theme of this year’s conference is: “Reflections on the current and emerging ESD issues and practices informing the post DESD framework programme’’.
Environmentalists, educationists, researchers, and interested individuals are invited to attend the conference on the above mentioned dates.

The registration fees include EEASA membership, standard accommodation, welcome reception, conference materials, airport transfers, local transport, tea/coffee, lunch, theme and conference dinner. Late registration ends on 29th August 2014. More

EREO_EN_Logo_RGB web.jpg.jpg22 Jul 2014 NATIONAL CELEBRATION OF THE GLOBAL ACTION WEEK Equal Right, Equal Opportunity – Katima Mulilo, 14th July 2014
UNESCO participated in the national celebration of the annual Global Action Week (GAW) on Education for All (EFA) in Namibia. This annual campaign took place during the week of the 14th to the 18th July. It was organized by Ministry of Education with the focus on the theme “Education and Disability” under the slogan “Equal Right, Equal Opportunity”. More

EREO_EN_Logo_RGB web.jpg.jpg22 Jul 2014 REGIONAL CELEBRATION OF THE GLOBAL ACTION WEEK Equal Right, Equal Opportunity – Khomas Region, 17th July 2014
UNESCO participated with the Ministry of Education and Regional Council in launching Global Action Week at Eldorado Secondary School in Windhoek. The theme was dedicated to Education and Disability, and the Khomas Governor, Honourable Ms L. Mcleod-Katjirua, delivered the key note address, expressing her emotions of gratitude for being able to attend such an important event and underlining the importance of Education for All, and the Government’s commitment in achieving the right to quality education for all the children of Namibia. More

SIDA project logo-new.png01 Jun 2014 UNESCO’s support for Local radios changing lives in Southern Africa
The UNESCO/SIDA funded project, “Empowering local radios with ICTs” is strengthening the bond between communities and their local radios thereby unlocking the value of communication in local development. More


15 May 2014 NEW VACANCY NOTE: National Professional Officer (NPO) for Education
The job consists in ensuring the design, implementation and coordination of activities carried out under the UNESCO Major Programme I-Education in Namibia. More

SIDA project logo-new.png24 Apr 2014 Better and wider access to ICT is said to be changing the way community radio produce and broadcast their programmes
April 2014- CI Windhoek Namibia, As one of the activities planned by UNESCO Windhoek office as a part of the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) funded project, a training was conducted for 6 correspondents and a monitoring focal person for Jozi Fm radio. The training that took place from 24-28 March 2014 aimed at establishing a network of correspondents and increases their knowledge of ICTS in various areas to support local programming and broadcasting. More

09 Apr 2014 CALL FOR CONSULTANT:Evaluation of the OSISA/UNESCO project on advancing Education For All (EFA) in the Southern Africa Region.
The OSISA/UNESCO project “Advancing Education For All (EFA) in the Southern Africa Region” is based on the recommendations of the EFA Conference held in Johannesburg in February 2005, convened by the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA), World Education Initiative (WEI) and UNESCO. The conference was attended by members of the public sector as well as civil society organizations pursuing education issues.
The main objective of this assignment is to undertake the evaluation of the OSISA/UNESCO project on Advancing Education For All (EFA) in the Southern Africa Region. This evaluation was foreseen to be commissioned by UNESCO in consultation with OSISA four months following completion of the project. This evaluation will assess the overall performance of the project including the projects’ main achievements, shortcomings and gaps, as well as recommendations for a roadmap on future collaboration between OSISA and UNESCO in the field of EFA.
The consultant will be a specialist in the Education sector. The consultant will be provided with all the country activity reports from the project, as well as the contact details of the relevant project partner institutions at national level. The consultant will also be provided with the progress reports submitted by UNESCO to OSISA. The consultant will provide the findings of the project evaluation to the UNESCO Windhoek Education Team. More

LogoEFA.jpg15 Mar 2014 Addressing the Global Learning Crisis – UNESCO launches the Education for All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report (GMR) 2013/14 and the “Quality Teachers for EFA” project in Namibia
UNESCO, in collaboration with the Namibian Ministry of Education (MoE) and the Faculty of Education of the University of Namibia (UNAM) officially launched the Education for All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report (GMR) 2013/14 “Teaching and Learning: Achieving Quality for All” and the project “Enhancing Teacher Education for Bridging the Education Quality Gap in Sub-Saharan Africa” in Namibia under the Funds-in-Trust agreement between UNESCO and the Government of the People’s Republic of China. This official launch was held on Monday, 24 February 2014 at 17:00h in the UNAM main hall, and was honoured by the presence of the Honourable Minister of Education, Dr David Namwandi and the UNESCO Assistant Director General of Education, Dr Qian Tang. More

14 Mar 2014 Short Course: Introduction to Wastewater Treatment Modeling Fellowships available
Call for candidates Short Course: Introduction to Wastewater Treatment Modelling using a Free Software (STOAT) for the hands-on. More

Reference Ref. 04/014
Evaluation of the Developing Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Policy Capacity for Ministries Responsible for STI in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) project. More

unescochina logo.jpg20 Jan 2014 VACANCY NOTE: National Associate Project Officer (UNESCO-CFIT project)
UNESCO’s Enhancing Teacher Education for Bridging the Education Quality Gap in Africa programme is an extra-budgetary funding mechanism and programme approach created in November 2012 with the objective of the capacity development needs of selected countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) in relation to teacher education and professional development. The Project intends to provide support to eight countries, Namibia being one of them, will special on enhancing the capacities of teacher education institutions to prepare an adequate number of qualified teachers to achieve EFA. More

02 Jan 2014 CALL FOR CONSULTANT: DEADLINE EXTENDED Project Coordinator, Stampriet Aquifer Assessment Case Study. Ref. 03/014
The International Hydrological Programme (IHP) is UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Scientific Cooperative Programme in Hydrology and Water Resources. IHP is the only intergovernmental programme of the UN system devoted to water research, water resources management, and education and capacity building.
UNESCO is inviting qualified candidates to submit a letter of motivation in English for the above mentioned consultancy position. In addition,please send your detailed and up-to-date curriculum vitae (CV). More

SIDA project logo-new.png19 Dec 2013 Capacity building on use of MXIT App to Monitor Radio Listeners Feedback
December 2013- CI Windhoek Namibia, December 2013- UNESCO CI Windhoek Office, in partnership with MXIT Apps developer carried out a training for , representatives from 10 community radio stations drawn from South Africa, Namibia and Lesotho on use of Mxit application to receive feedback on their radio programming from listeners. This training was carried out within the framework of the SIDA funded project” “Empowering Local Radio with ICTs. The training took place on the 6th December 2013 at Fountains Inn; Cape Town. The Training was carried out by Mr Parri Lückhoff, Head of Apps & Developer at MXIT assisted by Jesse Beth Pearse, MXIT Launch Account Manager. More

10 Dec 2013 Eastern and Southern Africa’s leaders agree. It’s time to act now on young people’s HIV education and sexual health needs.Cape Town, ICASA Conference, High Level Ministerial and UN Meeting, 07 December 2013
On Saturday 07 December, at a packed meeting of experts and youth activists convened by UNESCO and other UN agencies, political and youth leaders from 21 countries in Eastern and Southern Africa reached an historic agreement in the response to HIV. Recognising the urgency of the situation facing young people, education and health ministers have endorsed and adopted the UN commitment to address modern day realities by ramping up sexuality education and health services. Crucially, 2.6 million young people are living with HIV in this region, while deaths caused by AIDS among adolescents have risen globally by 50% since 2005 – in stark contrast to the overall global trend of a reduction of AIDS-related deaths. More

24 Nov 2013 Regional Forum on TVET in SADC
As part of its support to the Southern African Development Community (SADC) in moving the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) agenda forward, UNESCO is organizing a regional forum on TVET in SADC countries, under the theme “Monitoring Progress and Revitalizing Actions”. The Forum will take place on 26-28 November 2013 at the University of Stellenbosch, in South Africa. More

18 Nov 2013 Vacancy notice - Consultant FETWater project
Successful candidate will act as FETWater Phase III coordinator in the UNESCO Windhoek Office and be responsible for identification, planning, organization, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and support for FETWater Phase III programme and activities in the SADC countries.
Deadline: 15 December 2013
See for the criteria and application: More

18 Nov 2013 Vacancy notice - Project assistant FETWater and the Stampriet / SDC projects
The incumbent will perform administrative, logistics and financial functions relating to UNESCO Windhoek Office task to support of the FETWater and the Stampriet – SDC projects. The person will perform administrative support functions in matters relating to the project which may comprise a variety of secretarial, coordination, logistics and finance functions.
Deadline: 9 December 2013
See for the criteria and application: More

partnership_oda_japanese_fit_en small.jpg25 Oct 2013 Media release
On 29 October 2013, at the King Sobhuza Memorial Park in Ezulwini, Swaziland starting at 10 o’clock, the project “Parenting And Development Of Cultural Ceremonies Facilities And Activities In Swaziland” closing ceremony and the official presentation of results will take place in the presence of Her Majesty The Queen Mother, His Excellency, the Ambassador of Japan, Mr. Yutaka Yoshizawa and the UNESCO representative Mr. Damir Dijakovic.
See enlosed media release More

13 Sep 2013 Celebrations of the International Literacy Day in Mariental, Hardap region, Namibia
On 8 September 2013, as for more than 40 years now, UNESCO celebrated literacy as the foundation of all learning on International Literacy Day around the globe. “Literacy for enlarging livelihood opportunities” served as Namibia’s national theme and of course also in Namibia this day could not possibly go unnoticed. The latter especially since the country had more than one thing to celebrate for and be proud of. More

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    Archives of the UNESCO Office Windhoek

    New Flanders financed project on ICH safeguarding in Soutnern Africa 2014

    Prevention of illicit traffic of cultural goods; Workshop in Gaborone, Botswana 23-26 March 2015

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