How to restore and preserve the historical heart of coastal cities, without driving away their inhabitants, while respecting traditional building criteria as well as modern norms, with the participation of local craftsmen and the support of local and governmental authorities?
How to promote and propose alternative solutions of sustainable sociocultural and environmental development to the municipalities and ministries concerned.
These were the multiple challenges the "Urban Development and Freshwater Resources: Small Historical Coastal Cities" project was designed to meet.
UNESCO has been developing the project since 1997 focusing in particular on five "case study" cities - Essaouira (Morocco), Mahdia (Tunisia), Omišalj (Croatia), Saďda (Lebanon,) et Jableh (Syria).
UNESCO – ROSTE was responsible for to the implementation of the Omišalj case study, and was therefore closely associated to the evaluation of the project during the biennium 2002-2003.
Start Date
14-05-2004 2:00 pm
End Date
14-05-2004 2:00 pm