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Side-event , conference on “Gender and Biodiversity" 27 January 2010 from 1 pm to 2.30 pm, Room XI
Live webcast via this website.
UNESCO’s Division of Ecological and Earth Sciences in the Natural Sciences Sector and UNESCO’s Division for Gender Equality in the Bureau of Strategic Planning are organizing a side-event dedicated to the theme “Gender and Biodiversity” as part of the UNESCO International Year of Biodiversity Science-Policy Conference.
The side-event intends to showcase why the pivotal role of gender in addressing biodiversity challenges merits special consideration in the formulation of conservation policies, strategies, and projects at all levels.
The objective of the session is to highlight the need to raise awareness of the gender-differentiated practices and knowledge related to biological resources and the necessity to recognize that women and men have particular needs, interests and aspirations, and that they make different contributions to the conservation and sustainable management of biodiversity.
The side-event will be held on 27 January, 2010 from 1.00 p.m. until 2.30 p.m, at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris (Room XI). Simultaneous interpretation in English and French will be provided.
The session will be moderated by Ms S. Gülser Corat, Director of UNESCO’s Division for Gender Equality. The panelists will include:
- Lorena Aguilar, International Union for Conservation of Nature, Costa Rica;
- Stephen R. Wooten, Department of Anthropology, University of Oregon, USA;
- Rosalie Ouoba, Réseau d'appui à la citoyenneté des femmes rurales d'Afrique de l'Ouest, Chad.
You will find enclosed, the programme of this event.
For more information on International Year of Biodiversity 2010, please visit this website.
International Year of Biodiversity 2010
Brochure " Gender Dimensions of Bio Diversity"