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International Women’s Day

Round Table on “Women and Science” : Challenges Ahead", (8 March 2010, 10 am - 1 pm, Room XI)

This Round Table is organised by the Permanent Delegation of the Kingdom of Spain to UNESCO, the Delegation of the European Union to OECD and UNESCO in collaboration with the Division for Gender Equality in UNESCO.
Upon invitation only. Limited places available.
The Round Table debate will be based on the European experience and the efforts made by the EU Member States to promote women in science.

UNESCO's important role and progress made in promoting women and girls in science and scientific research, mainly though the L'OREAL-UNESCO Awards and Fellowships, the established UNESCO Chairs and the technical and vocational education and training programmes, would be strongly emphasized.

The debate will moreover include a political approach and a development dimension through the EU research programs which are open to developing countries.

With the participation of the Director-General of UNESCO, Ms. Luisa Prista, Chief of Unit, Scientific Culture and Gender Equality of the European commission, among others.

Source BSP/GE
Author(s) BSP/GE





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