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International Women’s Day

Exhibition : “Woman: Sustainability and Peace", Ms. Savitri Suwansathit, Thailand (8-19 March 2010, Miro I and II)

Organised in cooperation with the Permanent Delegation of the Kingdom of Thailand to UNESCO

Savitri Suwansathit, Advisor to the Ministry of Culture and artist, works with oil and acrylic.

Her paintings feature Thai women in traditional rural settings with mountains, rice fields, ponds and seas in the background, reflecting on different symbolically important moments of their lives.
Savitri gd.JPG Ms. Suwansathit also uses photography as a means of expression, and presents a series of photographs entitled "Life-Giving Water", taken at the Bung Borapet Water Park which features a large reservoir renowned for its diversity of fish, birds including migratory birds, and water lilies.

Source BSP/GE
Author(s) BSP/GE





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