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UNESCO/REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL – RFP: Hydro-meteorological Variables and Statistical Hydrology (deadline 17th of May 2013).

The 2010 – 2011 floods in Namibia caused widespread damages over seven regions in the country. Some 200 000 people were displaced with a death toll of over 90 being recorded. The President of the Republic declared a state of emergency at the end of March 2011, and various national and international partners responded in a varied manner to the call for assistance and collaboration in addressing flood management issues. UNESCO also responded to the call by sending a team of hydrologists on an exploratory mission to determine areas in which UNESCO can further collaborate with Namibia in addressing flood management. The team visited Namibia in July 2011, and presented its initial findings to the Prime Minister on 29 July 2011.
At this stage the objective is to procure the government with information and tools [data collection procedures, data collection methods, data collection tools, modeling tools, technical capacities requirements and the lack on the technical capacities noticed in the government structure] and a strategic plan for the way forward that allows the government to fix the above mentioned challenges and thus UNESCO is inviting all the experts, consulting firms to submit an offer for Consultancy Services' in accordance with the downloadable pdf solicitation document.

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File/document Solicitation Document RFP Services UNESCO.pdf
Publication Date 01 May 2013
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