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Empowering local radios with ICTs. Exchange programme between Base Fm and Live Fm

An exchange programme, organized by UNESCO Windhoek Cluster Office between local radios Base FM and Live FM took place on the 21st and 23rd of May 2013.
The programme aimed to exchange best practices between local radios on programming, management, administration and use of ICTs and FOSS.
This exchange programme is organized within the framework of the SIDA funded project “Empowering local radios with a ICTs” and expected to be replicated in all the 10 participating local radio’s under UNESCO’s Windhoek Office.
Bartholomeus Pieters, Terry Engelbrecht and Morgan Schafe from Live Fm, based in Rehoboth, visited and assessed Katutura’s community radio Base FM on the 21st May. Assistant Administrator Bartholomeus Pieters praised Base Fm: “I will really say that they are advanced, they are well equipped in terms of ICT equipment “. Live Fm recommended FOSS ZaraRadio to Base Fm, which was embraced by the staff for its “simplicity and opportunities” and is currently being used.
On the 23rd May, Base Fm’s station manager Marco Ndlovu, accompanied by Assistant Programme Specialist in CI, Arantxa Mandiola, visited Live Fm in Rehoboth, which is currently extending their studios. Mr. Ndlovu suggested new improvements and activities to ameliorate Live Fm financial situation and programming and organize an effective and participative Board. Marco Ndlovu was positively surprised on how accessible and open Rehoboth’s community radio station truly is for the community: “I love how the community really walks to the studio and share their ideas”.

LIVE FM BASE FM EXCHANGE 0230 web.jpg A tour around the radio stations facilities was provided during the exchange programme, specifically addressing the following issues:
• Financial sustainability,
• Administration, volunteers and staff,
• Programming,
• Use of ICTs and FOSS,
• Current equipment and equipment needs,
• Use of social media,
• Feedback from listeners.
Live Fm and Base Fm praised UNESCO’s initiative and suggested this exchange programme should be repeated every six months to enable the stations to follow up and keep “helping” and improving community radios together, as Morgan Schafe, presenter at Live Fm, stated “I think the link should be started, or should have started a long time ago, for community radios to interact “.
This exchange programme is organized within the framework of the SIDA funded project “Empowering local radios with a ICTs” and expected to be replicated in all the 10 participating local radio’s under UNESCO’s Windhoek Office.

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Website 1 (URL) For more information on the SIDA funded project "Empowering local radios with ICTs" click here.
Publication Date 22 May 2013
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