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UNESCO - Instrumentos Normativos
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Standard-setting in UNESCO

Standard-setting represents one of the main constitutional functions of UNESCO and an important tool for realizing the goals for which the Organization was created. In addition to conventions and recommendations, the declarations adopted by the General Conference promulgate principles and norms intended to inspire the action of Member States in specific fields of activity.

The first of a two-volume work on Standard-setting in UNESCO contains the essays presented at a symposium held on the occasion of its sixtieth anniversary. Topics addressed in Normative Action in Education, Science and Culture include methods of elaboration and implementation; constitutional objectives and legal commitments; international collaboration; and impact.

The second volume collects the complete texts of all UNESCO instruments. Part I of this volume contains conventions and agreements adopted by the General Conference and by intergovernmental conferences convened by UNESCO itself or jointly by UNESCO and other international organizations. Part II includes the recommendations issued by the General Conference, while Part III features all UNESCO declarations.

Together, these two volumes compose an invaluable commentary and reference work that should be of interest to scholars, practitioners, diplomats, policy-makers and students of international organizations.

Volume I : Normative Action in Education, Science and Culture
Edited by Abdulqawi A. Yusuf
Foreword by Koïchiro Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO
UNESCO Reference Works series
80,00 €
Book, 430 pages, footnotes, appendix, index
Format: 24 ×16 cm
2007, 978-92-3-104067-2
UNESCO Publishing / Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
Also available in French
Order on line volume I

Volume II: Conventions, Recommendations, Declarations and Charters adopted by UNESCO (1948-2006)
Compiled by the Office of International Standards and Legal Affairs of UNESCO
UNESCO Reference Works series
115,00 €
Book, 760 pages, annexes
Format: 24 × 16 cm
2007, 978-92-3-104068-9
UNESCO Publishing / Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
Also available in French
Order on line volume II

Fecha de Publicación 23 Oct 2007
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Oficina de Normas Internacionales y Asuntos Jurídicos
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