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UNESCO.ORG Employment / Emploi
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Jóvenes profesionales
Expertos asociados


Other job opportunities

Other job opportunities
From time to time, UNESCO needs extra services, provided by persons other than its own permanent staff, in order to assist the Secretariat, Member States or its external partners for short periods and to bring in ad-hoc outside expertise which is not generally available within the Secretariat.

UNESCO has also introduced a new contractual modality, Project appointments, to cover specific projects or activities of a time-limited duration financed by extra-budgetary funds, in the field and at Headquarters and for Technical cooperation in UNESCO Category I Institutes and Centres.
Current opportunities

Project Appointment - P3 - MSS - Paris
-Systems & Web Developer, MSS/BKI, Application Management Section - Closing date: 31 October 2012 - Más

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Project Appointment - P3 - CLT - PARIS
-Project Officer, Division of Thematic Programmes for Diversity, Development and Dialogue
Culture Sector - Closing Date: 28 October 2012 - Más

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