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UNESCO: United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization





    Angola joined UNESCO on March 11, 1977. The country is covered by the UNESCO Office in Windhoek, Namibia.

    Education is one of Angola’s top priorities. It participates in UNESCO's Teacher Training Initiative for sub-Saharan Africa (TTISSA), aimed at restructuring teacher policies. Training projects have been designed for three provinces.

    Angola and UNESCO also work on HIV/AIDS prevention education. A manual for teachers has been tested in three provinces. Angolan experts took part in a 2007 capacity building workshop for Portuguese-speaking countries.

    Cultural heritage is another area of cooperation with UNESCO. In September 2007, Angola organized an on-site round table entitled “Mbanza Kongo: a City to Unearth”. The historical city has a key role in the UNESCO-backed campaign to preserve and promote Angola’s heritage and diversity.

    Europe and North America Latin America and the Caribbean Africa Arab States Asia Pacific