Today’s world calls for resolute science and technology-based international actions to combat poverty, pandemic and emerging diseases and to promote science education so that every citizen can lead a meaningful life in increasingly knowledge-based societies. Sustainable development and the future of our planet depends on our ability to co-operate in the acquisition, sharing and application of knowledge in science to improve the quality of life for all, in harmonious coexistence with the environment.
Capacity building in the basic sciences, their interconnection with the needs of society, and equal access for women and men to scientific and engineering education are essential components of a science-based response to national, regional and global challenges. It is with this in mind that a solid platform for the fundamental science subjects, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Life Sciences, was established through the launch of the International Basic Sciences Programme (IBSP) in 2005. The IBSP aims to foster the sharing, worldwide, of benefits from the remarkable advances in contemporary biological sciences, physics, chemistry and mathematics through promotion of international collaboration in research, training and transfer of technology and scientific knowledge.