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2010 International Essay Contest for Young People – Call for essays!
The Goi Peace Foundation and UNESCO organize an international essay contest for young people from all over the world. Participants will express themselves on the theme: “My Role in Creating a Peaceful World”. What is your vision of a peaceful and harmonious world? What can you and the young people of the world do to realize that vision?
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2010 International Essay Contest for Young People – Call for essays!The Goi Peace Foundation is an organization committed to building peace. Through cultural and educational programmes, its objectives are to enhance peace and respect for life and to raise awareness among young people on the role they could play in this area. In association with UNESCO and other outstanding partners, the Goi Peace Foundation organizes every year the Essay Contest for Young People. This is an important opportunity for young people from all over the world to express themselves by writing an essay on current issues such as culture of peace, media and communication or sustainable development.

To participate in the 11th edition of the Contest people up to 25 years of age can submit their essays in one of the following categories: children (ages up to 14) and youth (ages 15 - 25). Essays must be 800 words or less in English, French, Spanish or German; or 1600 characters or less in Japanese, typed or printed. They must have a cover page indicating the category (children or youth), the title of the essay, the name of the participant and their personal information (mailing address, phone number, e-mail address, nationality, age as of June 2010, sex, school name (if any) and word count). Essays must be original and unpublished and they must be written by one person only.

Entries missing any of the above information will not be considered. Essays must be received by 30 June 2010.

For all queries relating to the Essay contest, please contact: essay@goipeace.or.jp 

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Author(s) UNESCO
Publication Date 25-02-2010

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