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Greater Horn Horizon  
Greater Horn Horizon
An independent and autonomous Forum of Intellectuals for the Horn of Africa.
This forum, officially launched at an international conference in Djibouti from 12 to 15 November 2007, aims to offer a suitable framework for researchers, intellectuals, opinion leaders and policy-makers to exchange ideas, research findings and views on present and future challenges for the most easterly region in Africa.

The Forum was born out of the wishes and concerns expressed by numerous intellectuals from the Horn of Africa (Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan and Uganda). It seeks to contribute to the development of mutually accepted policy responses to the pressing challenges faced by the region.

More specifically, it aims at:
  • building a strong consensus on a longterm vision in favour of stability, sustainable development and regional integration;
  • generating studies and analyses which may contribute to the formulation of proactive policies responding to the new challenges in the region; and
  • encouraging universities and research institutions to develop future-oriented studies on the main trends in the region.
Located in Djibouti, the Forum intends to support the Intergovernmental Agency on Development (igad) and the governments from the Horn of Africa in responding to current and future challenges through multidisciplinary policy research and strengthening of dialogue among researchers and with policy-makers. The initiative’s major objective is to facilitate the formulation and implementation of regional integration policies conducive to development and peaceful coexistence in the region.

The main originality of this initiative is its focus on scenario-building and anticipatory approaches in the analysis of regional issues. It will encourage exchanges that will go beyond the usual analysis of the past and current situations and explore the different and possible scenarios for the coming decades. Demarcating itself from the “blame-game”, this Initiative seeks to focus its research on the commonalities of the peoples of the region, enhance public awareness of the need to think regionally, and improve capacities for developing common and policy-orientated strategies.

Other foreseen activities of the Greater Horn Horizon Initiative include: bi-annual research-policy seminars to discuss issues related to regional integration; publication and wide dissemination of studies and policy-papers; organization of capacity building training workshops; and the launch of a website including a quarterly web journal.

Learn more about the Forum: www.greaterhornhorizon.org

Contact: Claudia Maresia, c.maresia@unesco.org.

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