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UNESCO Prize for Peace Education |
UNESCO Prize for Peace Education 2008 goes to South Africa
Former UNESCO Director-General Koďchiro Matsuura awarded this year’s Prize for Peace Education to the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation (South Africa), on the recommendation of an international jury presided by Mr Mohammed Arkoun, Professor of History of Islamic Thought. The jury, which met on 19 May 2008, chose the Institute “for its outstanding efforts in building sustainable reconciliation through education and in addressing systemic injustice in Africa.”
The award ceremony was held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, on 18 September 2008, within the framework of the celebrations of the International Day of Peace.
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Publications of the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education (in PDF format)Purpose
The purpose of the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education is to promote all forms of action designed to construct the defences of peace in the minds of men by rewarding a particularly outstanding example of activity designed to alert public opinion and mobilize the conscience of humankind in the cause of peace, in accordance with the spirit of the Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and the United Nations Charter (Rule 1 of the General Rules).
Who can nominate?
Member States and Associate Members of UNESCO, non-governmental and intergovernmental organizations maintaining formal consultative relations with the Organization and active in a field covered by the Prize, eminent persons qualified in the opinion of the Director-General, in addition to any persons and civil society organizations working in the perspective of the thinking and culture of peace in the world and considered suitable, may submit nominations of an individual, a group of individuals or an organization whose activities are considered to merit this distinction (Rule 6.1 of the General Rules).
Conditions/qualifications of candidates
Candidates, who shall not be subject to any discrimination whatsoever on the grounds of nationality, religion, race, gender or age, shall have made a significant contribution to alerting public opinion and mobilizing the consciences of humankind in the cause of peace. Candidates shall have distinguished themselves through outstanding action, carried out in accordance with the spirit of UNESCO and the United Nations Charter, extending over several years and confirmed by international public opinion, in the following fields:- the mobilization of consciences in the cause of peace;
- the implementation, at international or regional level, of programmes of activity designed to strengthen peace education by enlisting the support of public opinion;
- the launching of important activities contributing to the strengthening of peace;
- educational action to promote human rights and international understanding;
- the alerting of public opinion to the problems of peace through the media and other effective channels;
- any other activity recognized as essential to constructing the defences of peace in people’s minds (Rule 3.1 of the General Rules).
Selection of the prizewinner and date of award of the prize
The Jury shall meet once every two years, within three months following the closing date for the submission of nominations, to make its recommendations to the Director-General for the selection of the prizewinner.
The Prize shall be awarded by the Director-General at an official ceremony held for the purpose in Paris on the occasion of the International Day of Peace (21 September). The prizewinner/s shall, if possible, give a lecture on a subject relevant to the work for which the Prize has been awarded. Such a lecture shall be organized during or in connection with the prize ceremony. The lecture shall be published by UNESCO.
Laureates of the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education
1981 Ms Helena Kekkonen (Finland) and the World Organization of the Scout Movement.
1982 Stockolm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).
1983 Pax Christi International.
1984 International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW).
1985 General Indar Jit Rikhye (India) and the Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research (Federal Republic of Germany).
1986 Professor Paulo Freire (Brazil).
1987 Ms Laurence Deonna (Switzerland) and "Servicio Paz y Justicia en America Latina".
1988 Brother Roger of Taizé (France).
1989 Dr Robert Muller (France) and the International Peace Research Association (IPRA).
1990 Ms Rigoberta Menchú Tum (Guatemala) and the World Order Models Project (WOMP).
1991 Ms Ruth Leger Sivard (United States) and Cours Sainte Marie de Hann (Senegal).
1992 Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
1993 Ms Madeleine de Vits (Belgium) and The Graduate Institute For Peace Studies (Republic of Korea).
1994 The Venerable Prayudh Payutto (Thailand).
1995 The Study Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution (Austria).
1996 Ms Chiara Lubich (Italy).
1997 Mr François Giraud (France).
1998 Educators for Peace and Mutual Understanding (Ukraine).
Honourable mentions : Fridtjof Nansen Academy (Norway), World Court Project (New Zealand), Ulpan Akiva Netanya (Israel).
1999 Association of the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo (Argentina).
Honourable mentions : Irene Drolet (Canada), Association for Peace Education Tübingen (Germany), Daugthers of Mary Help of Christians Don Bosco's Home (House) (Angola).
2000 Mr Toh Swee-Hin (Australia)
Honourable Mentions: Mr Pierre Weil (France), Ms Christiana Ayoka Mary Thorpe (Sierra Leone)
and the Middle East Children Association (MECA)
2001 Bishop Nelson Onono-Onweng (Uganda) and The Jewish-Arab Center for Peace at Givat Haviva (Israel)
Honourable Mention: Ms Betty Reardon (United States of America)
2002 City Montessori School, Lucknow (CMS) (India) Read more ...
2003 Father Emil Shufani (Israel)
Honourable Mention: Ms Yolande Mukagasana (Rwanda/Belgium)
See also:
UNESCO prize for peace education awarded to Fr. Emil Shufani (Israel) (Source: UNESCOPRESSE - Press Release No 2003 - 32).
Interview with Emil Shufani: “The human being must be considered the essential element in any conflict, so he has to guide our position.”, in SHS Newsletter 02, 2003.
2006 Mr Christopher Gregory Weeramantry (Sri Lanka) Read more ...
Special Mention: Fundación para la Reconciliación (Colombia)
See also |
News |
02-10-2008 (UNESCO) - On Thursday, 18 September 2008, Koďchiro Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO, awarded the 25th UNESCO Prize for Peace Education to Fanie du Toit, Executive-Director of the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation in Africa South.
28-05-2008 (UNESCOPRESS) - UNESCO Director-General Koďchiro Matsuura awarded this year’s Prize for Peace Education to the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation (South Africa), on the recommendation of an international jury presided by Mr Mohammed Arkoun, Professor of History of Islamic Thought. The jury, which met on 19 May, chose the Institute “for its outstanding efforts in building sustainable reconciliation through education and in addressing systemic injustice in Africa.”
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