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Plenary Meetings - Room I

Opening of the 38th session and ensuing plenary meetings

  •  The General Conference will open on Tuesday 3 November, at 10 a.m. Following the addresses by its Temporary President (President of the 37th session), the Chair of the Executive Board and the Director-General, the Conference will establish the Credentials and Nominations Committees (which will immediately hold their first meetings), examine and adopt its agenda, and examine the recommendations by the Executive Board on the admission of observers from international non-governmental organizations other than those with the status of official partners of UNESCO.
  • The afternoon meeting will start with the election of the President and Vice-Presidents of the General Conference and the establishment of commissions and committees, followed by addresses by the Chair of the Executive Board and the Director-General to introduce the General Policy Debate.

Items of the Agenda

1.1 Opening of the session by the President of the 37th session of the General Conference

1.2 Establishment of the Credentials Committee and report by the Committee to the General Conference

1.4 Adoption of the agenda

1.5 Election of the President and Vice-Presidents of the General Conference and of the Chairpersons, Vice-chairpersons and Rapporteurs of the commissions and committees

1.6 Organization of the work of the session

1.7 Admission to the work of the General Conference of observers from international non-governmental organizations other than those with the status of official partners of UNESCO, recommendation of the Executive Board thereon

2.1 Report of the Director-General on the activities of the Organization in 2012-2013, presented by the Chair of the Executive Board

2.2 Reports by the Executive Board on its own activities and on programme implementation

3.3 Adoption of the Appropriation Resolution for 2016-2017

8.2 Request for the admission of Montserrat as an Associate Member of UNESCO

8.3 Request for the admission of the Republic of Kosovo to UNESCO

12.1 Election of Members of the Executive Board

13.1 Venue of the 39th session of the General Conference

Daily Agenda

Summaries of debates

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