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SwazilandUNESDOC database found 93 records [prev.] [next] 1 2 3 4 5 6   Back to search form
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Capacity development training workshop on water and sustainable development, volume 2: case studies
Publ: 2016; 90 p., illus.*; 2016/SC/WWAP/CD/2.More
Kraemer-Mbula, Erika; Scerri, Mario
Southern Africa: Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe
UNESCO science report: towards 2030;
Publ: 2015; p. 535-565, map*.More
The Swaziland Education For All review report, 2000-2015; Education for All 2015 national review: Swaziland
Publ: 2015; 68 p.*.More
Assessing education data quality in the Southern African Development Community (SADC)
UIS Information paper; 21
Publ: 2014; 45 p.*; UIS/2014/ED/IP/21.More
UNESCO Office Windhoek annual report 2012
Publ: 2013; 29 p., illus.*; NA/2013/PI/H/1.More
Sexuality education: a ten-country review of school curricula in East and Southern Africa
Publ: 2012; 137 p.*; ED/HIV/ESA/2012/2.More
Badcock-Walters, Peter
Education and HIV & AIDS: bold targets, bold responses; a review of HIV and AIDS policy response and implementation in the SADC region
Publ: 2012; 40 p.*; ED/HIV/ESA/2012/1.More
Windhoek Office biennium report, 2010-2011
Publ: 2012; 30 p., illus.*.More
EDUCAIDS country snapshot: Swaziland
Profil pays EDUSIDA: Swaziland
Publ: 2011; 1 p., illus.; ED/PSD/HIV/EDUCAIDS/SNAP/35.More
Windhoek Office: relatório anual de 2009
Publ: 2010; 29 p., illus.*.More
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