At its 34th session UNESCO's General Conference adopted the Medium-Term Strategy for 2008-2013 (34 C/4) and at its 35th session it adopted the Programme and Budget for 2010-2011 (35 C/5). UNESCO’s activities in the area of communication and information are being implemented within the framework of these two strategic documents.
More particularly, they are based on the 'Overarching objective 5: Building inclusive knowledge societies through information and communication' of the Medium-Term Strategy and the 'Major Programme V: Communication and information' of the Programme and Budget.
UNESCO. General Conference; 34th; 2007
Medium-term Strategy, 2008-2013
UNESCO. General Conference; 35th; 2009
Approved programme and budget, 2010-2011; Major Programme V: Communication and information

Medium-term Strategy, 2008-2013

Approved programme and budget, 2010-2011; Major Programme V: Communication and information