Communication for sustainable development
© Deccan development society
A herbalist being interviewed, India.
UNESCO assists developing countries in strengthening their communication capacities by developing independent and pluralistic media and improving media access to ICT, in particular through the International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC).
The Organization focuses on enhancing the impact of communication and information for development by supporting broad-based participation in media operations. It encourages the development of independent and pluralistic media, especially in conflict and post-conflict areas and in post-disaster situations. In particular, UNESCO supports the setting up of media facilities that can provide non-partisan information, offers advisory services on media legislation and helps in the rebuilding of media infrastructures.
UNESCO's strategy in this area takes into account the possibility of innovative application of ICT to reinforce media pluralism and to address the critical needs for building capacities among media professionals, including women.
UNESCO helps to strenghten the capacities of communication institutions, to improve the training of media professionals and to raise awareness among the public in making best use of communication resources.
UNESCO urges Internet stakeholders to embrace the 2030 sustainable development agenda
IPDC to host debate on the role of the media in the unfolding migrant crisis
Congolese community radios trained in the production of local programmes