About Information for All Programme - IFAP
The Information for All Programme is an intergovernmental programme, created in 2000. Through IFAP, Governments of the world have pledged to harness the new opportunities of the information age to create equitable societies through better access to information.
The last decade has witnessed technological development at a scale and speed unprecedented in the history of humankind. The challenge the world faces is to ensure equitable access for all people to seize these new opportunities. Information is central to development. Information is essential for survival and sustainability. Information is the pathway to understanding and peace. The Information for All Programme is UNESCO's response to the challenges and opportunities of the Information Society.
The Information for All Programme is closely integrated with UNESCO's regular programme, especially in the area of communication and information. IFAP works closely with other intergovernmental organizations and international NGOs, particularly those with expertise in information management and preservation, for example the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) and the International Council on Archives (ICA).
At the beginning of 2006, more than 50 IFAP National Committees exist, providing a focus at the country level as well as an opportunity to interpret and mobilize the IFAP vision for local communities.