Official documents
UNESCO documents are texts issued by the Secretariat mainly for the purpose of the Organization's governance. They are classified in various categories and distributed, free of charge, to the specialised public concerned by each category or accessible online.
The following types of documents related to communication and information are available on this website:
Strategy documents
Official texts determining the functioning of UNESCO's Communication and Information Sector and its programmes: statements and declarations endorsed by UNESCO, UN or other intergovernmental organizations; resolutions and decisions of the UNESCO General Conference and Executive Board; agreements and memoranda of understanding; recommendations, strategies, action plans, etc.
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Meetings documents
Documents prepared in connection with meetings, events, conferences, debates, sessions of intergovernmental bodies (IFAP and IPDC) convened by UNESCO's Communication and Information Sector: technical, thematic, project and working documents; papers by participants; final reports, etc
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Programme documents
Documents issued by UNESCO's Communication and Information Sector and intended for a limited distribution: discussion papers and information material prepared for a limited number of specialists.
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Speeches and Presentations by Jānis Kārkliņš
Main documents, speeches, presentations and publications by Jānis Kārkliņš, Assistant Director-General for Communication and Information.
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