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UNESCO at WSIS in Tunis

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UNESCO Round Tables

ICT for Capacity-Building: Critical Success Factors

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ICT for Capacity-Building: Critical Success Factors UNESCO and the Club of Rome co-organized a three-day ”World Conference on Harnessing the Potential of ICT for Capacity Building” from 11 to 13 May at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France. The event is one of UNESCO’s thematic meetings in preparation for the second meeting of the World Summit on the Information Society (Tunis, Tunisia, 16-18 November 2005).

  • Conference Programme and Webcast archive

    The Conference discussed the use of information and communication technology (ICT), including satellites, for capacity-building, and its key strategic role for achieving the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and for building knowledge societies.

    The Conference’s main focus was made on new delivery methods of formal learning and other skills development. It gave particular attention to the special needs of marginalized groups in areas that are unreached by the traditional education systems but could be given access to new forms of education delivery through satellite technologies.

    The purpose of the Conference was to:
    • identify prerequisites and success factors for capacity-building using ICT;
    • collect and disseminate testimonies and case studies from around the world on how to make a quantitative leap in development by using ICT;
    • give IT industry a platform to present technology that is both appropriate to the development environment and meet the needs of emerging markets.
    The outcomes of the Conference are planned to be available for the World Summit in Tunis in November 2005.

    The use of Centers affiliated with the Global Development Learning Network (GDLN) provided a unique opportunity to establish a “live” discussion platform with diverse audiences being able to share their experiences worldwide. By extending the reach of the Conference, GDLN maked it possible to bring in views and participants globally and cost-effectively. Hence, the Conference was not constrained by geographical barriers with the use of GDLN’s services, which are primarily interactive videoconferencing and high-speed Internet resources.

    The Conference was held under the patronage of leaders and decision-makers from governments, international organizations, private sector and civil society.
  • About Thematic meeting