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Official documents

Open space to showcase UNESCO’s application of knowledge societies

MOST and Initiative B@bel funded research: Language on the Internet

This research was undertaken within the framework of UNESCO’s multidisciplinary project Initiative B@bel. This initiative was conceived to promote cultural diversity in general and to seek ways to protect the lesser used languages of the world in particular. The research team was asked to seek ways to amass data on actual language practice on the Internet, in order that policy making in this area could be better informed.

Collation 8 p.
English language_internet_en.rtf
French language_internet_fr.rtf
Spanish language_internet_es.rtf
Russian language_internet_ru.rtf
Arabic language_internet_ar.doc
Chinese language_internet_ch.rtf
Author(s) Wright, Sue
Publication year 2005

UNESCO & Communication and Information Sector

