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Communication and Information Activities

Recent Experiences on Measuring Languages in Cyberspace

22 February 2007, UNESCO, 1, rue Miollis, Paris, France

This workshop is organized by the Language Observatory Project (LOP), the World Network for Linguistic Diversity (WDLD) and UNESCO, under the sponsorship of the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), in the framework of the International Mother Language Day, celebrated every year on 21 February.
The event will offer an opportunity:
  • to establish a comparative discussion on the different methodologies for measuring the presence and the absence of languages in the digital world;
  • to share the experience and findings of the web language surveys on Asia and Africa;
  • to draw implications from the above experience and discuss about a possible roadmap to promote multilingualism and equal access in the cyberspace;
  • to demonstrate the usefulness and workability of the multi-stakeholder network.
Its results will be largely disseminated in all countries, through the World Language Diversity Network, UNESCO Units (Field Offices and Headquarters), Language Observatory Project's member universities and other partners.

The participation (free of charge) is open to experts and policy makers interested in the topic, which is particularly related to the Plan of Action of the World Summit on the Information Society (Action Line C8 – Cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local content).