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Environment and development
in coastal regions and in small islands

Managing beach resources and planning for coastline change, Caribbean islands

This project was formerly titled ‘Coast and beach stability in the Caribbean’ and is known locally by an old acronym COSALC.


Introduction to Sandwatch. An educational tool for sustainable development, CSI papers 19, ’05
Analysis of beach changes in Antigua and Barbuda 1996-2001 Volume 1 Assessment report June '03

Wise practices for coping with beach erosion, '02:
Antigua and Barbuda / Dominica  / Grenada  / Montserrat  / Nevis / St Kitts / St Lucia / St Vincent and the Grenadines / Turks and Caicos Islands

UNESCO chooses Anguilla to launch new guides on beach erosion February '02
Anguilla chosen to launch new guide on beach erosion February '02
Monitoring beach changes as an integral component of coastal management CSI info 15, '03
Wise Coastal Practices. Towards sustainable small-island living  CSI papers 9, '01
Bequia's Sandwatch Programme March '01
News from Nevis: Coastal zone management - What is it and who is responsible? February '01
Providing tools for managing beach erosion in the eastern Caribbean '00 English Français
Working together to place the bell on the cat’s neck  November '00
WP Forum: Planning measures need the support of all / Anguilla November '00
Wise Coastal Practices for Beach Management   September '00
Wise Coastal Practices workshop well attended   September '00
Shifting sands threaten Caribbean   June '00
Institutional Strengthening of Beach Management Capabilities in the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States and the Turks and Caicos Islands - Interim report   April ’00
Late hurricanes: a message for the region   December ’99
These 2 files are in PDF. To see them you will need to:
Nevis the last 100 years! November '99
Coastal erosion on Nevis November '99
Coping with shoreline erosion in the Caribbean October '99
UNESCO and the Caribbean Development Bank join forces to solve coastal management problems ’99
Haiti and San Andrιs Join COSALC   September ’99
WP Forum: A viable solution to beach sand mining? / Montserrat   September ’99
Launch of the Caribbean "Sandwatch" Project, (i) a new initiative; (ii) project description  July ’99
Workshop on Environmental Video Production and Broadcast in the Caribbean  May ’99
WP Forum: Planning for coastal erosion / eastern Caribbean islands   April ’99
Walls on the seafront  English   French
Environmental TV in Grenada, Anguilla, St. Lucia  November ’98
Coping with beach erosion  October ’98 CSI sourcebooks 1
Coast and beach stability in the Caribbean Islands. COSALC project activites 1996-7  CSI info 6  August ’98
Planning for coastline change. Project review  June ’98
These 3 files are in PDF. To see them you will need to:
Coastal development setback guidelines in Antigua and Barbuda  June ’98
Coastal development setback guidelines in Nevis  June ’98
Shoreline management in Nevis. A position paper  June ’98
Beach monitoring program, United States Virgin Islands. Summary and assessment report  June ’98
St. Thomas, United States Virgin Islands beach monitoring field manual  June ’98
St. John, United States Virgin Islands beach monitoring field manual  February ’98
Planning for coastal change in the eastern Caribbean. COSALC summary 1996-97  February ’98
Beaches: here today, gone tomorrow?  January ’98
Planning for coastline change, saving our beaches   January ’98
Montserrat beach monitoring programme. Beach data assessment 1990-1996  October ’97
Planning for coastline change. Guidelines for construction setbacks in the Eastern Caribbean Islands  CSI info 4 September ’97
Managing beach resources in the smaller Caribbean Islands  CSI papers 1  ’97
Beach management in eastern Caribbean islands under focus  February ’97
Further support for coastal monitoring, public awareness and environmental education in the Lesser Antilles  February ’97
Integrated framework for the management of beach resources within the smaller Caribbean islands  CSI info 1 February ’97
Beaches and Hurricanes: 1995 in the Eastern Caribbean Islands, Slide Presentation, January '97
Hurricane impact on beaches in the eastern Caribbean islands 1989-1995  December ’96
Beach erosion in Antigua-Barbuda
Beach erosion in Anguilla
Coast and beach stability in the Lesser Antilles (COSALC): an overview
Beach erosion in Nevis


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