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Environment and development
in coastal regions and in small islands
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Sustainable livelihoods for artisanal fishers through stakeholder co-management in the Portland Bight Protected Area, Jamaica 

The former title of this project was: People and protected areas – the Portland Bight sustainable development area.



The Portland Bight Protected Area Website
WP Forum: Community policing in the Portland Bight Protected Area, Jamaica. October '02 English Français Español
WP Forum: Protected area management in Jamaica. September '02 English Français Español
Community Policing and the "Culture of System-Beating": The Honorary Game Wardens and Fisheries Inspectors of the Portland Bight Protected Area, Jamaica, West Indies April '02
Articles from Peter Espeut related to the Portland Bight sustainable development area (Jamaica)
Wise Coastal Practices. Towards sustainable small-island living 2001 CSI papers 9
Video conference with counterparts in Jamaica  '00 English  Français
Environmental evaluation of natural resources  '00 English Français
Haitian fishers look outwards: the Haiti-Jamaica fishers exchange  '00 English Français
Sharing decision-making authority and power with resource users: fisher associations, management authorities and protected areas in Jamaica  '00 English Français
A Bold Experiment / Pêche Durable en Jamaïque / Pesca Sostenible en Jamaica    Sept. ’99 
WP Forum: Co-management in marine protected areas / Portland Bight-Jamaica  July '99 
Jamaica's Environment Minister Announces Portland Bight Protected Area   June ’99 
Portland Bight - Jamaica's Newest Protected Area   April ’99
See also the Jamaica National Heritage Trust website



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