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Environment and development
in coastal regions and in small islands
colbartn.gif (4535 octets)

Nordic-Baltic Network for Sustainable Coastal Development (Northern Europe)

Overview of network goals  '00      English   Français
WP Forum: Planning for sustainable tourism development / Karelia-Finland and Russia October '99  (user name= csi ; password= wise)
WP Forum: The role of environmental impact assessment in farmland reorganisation / Hailuoto Island-Finland, September '99  (user name= csi ; password= wise)
WP Forum: Local coping strategies / Faroe Islands-Denmark June '99  (user name= csi ; password= wise)
UNESCO Conference on Sustainable Development of Coastal Resources in the Nordic and Baltic countries (Fredrikstad, Norway May 6-8, 1999), Executive Summary





Wise Practices Regions Themes