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Environment and development
in coastal regions and in small islands
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Communication and Education for Sustainable Coastal Development 
(Sub-Saharan Africa & Indian Ocean Islands)

WP Forum: A programme for the control of beach erosion - Seychelles / Un programme de gestion de l'érosion côtière aux Seychelles May '01
WP Forum: Clean Renewable Energy / Cousin Island - Seychelles July '00
Getting the message across, a case study o f the mass media in Kenya / Faire passer le message : le cas de la presse au Kenya  '00
The role of communication and education for sustainable coastal development / Rôle de la communication et de l’éducation dans le développement durable des zones côtières Proceedings of a PACSICOM technical workshop.   ’99  CSI info 7 
WP Forum: Managing household waste in small communities - Itsandra Bay-Comoros / Gestion des ordures ménagères dans les petites communautés - Baie d'Itsandra-Comores July '99
WP Forum: Community involvement in turtle protection - Itsamia-Comoros / Participation de la population a la protection des tortues - Itsamia-Comores July '99
WP Forum: Effective communication: strengthening environmental journalism / Kenya July '99
Sustainable coastal development: the role of communication and education   Jan.-Dec.’98
Coastline instability in East Africa - mitigating the impacts   June ’97
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