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Environment and development
in coastal regions and in small islands

Integrated coastal management, Rio de la Plata, Uruguay (ECOPLATA)

This project was formerly titled ‘The Rio de la Plata estuary and sustainable development (Uruguay, Argentina)’.


ECOPLATA project website
"El Torreón", Boletín informativo de Ecoplata, N°1 (March '02), N°2 (May '02), N°3 (July '02), N°4 (August '02), N°5 (November '02), N°6 (December '02), N°7 (May '03)
Managing conflicts over resources and values - continental coasts '02, CSI papers 12
Integrated coastal zone management in Uruguay November '01
WP Forum: Learning from micro experiences in integrated coastal management in Uruguay. November '01 English Français   Español

Conference "ECOPLATA 2001 - Integrated Coastal Management" (Montevideo, 14-15 May '01):
- UNESCO presentation (in PDF) ( to see this file you will need )
- Conclusion (English and Spanish

Brief description of the Project February '01
What do natural scientists expect from social scientists (and vice-versa)? The case of the Rio de la Plata estuary, Uruguay '00 English Français
WP Forum: Crossing institutional and disciplinary boundaries / Rio de la Plata-Uruguay,  July '99  English   Español
EcoPlata project report is available   June '98
The ECOPLATA Programme   October '97
The BioPlata Project. An innovative biodiversity project in South America   September '97
ECOPLATA receives further support   June '97
Montevideo Declaration   November '96
Rio de la Plata (ECOPLATA - BIOPLATA) international conference   November '96







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